I don't want to wear glasses anymore

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I used to give meanings
To everything that would happen to me
To every people I would meet
When they do not really hold any.

I am done believing
everything happens for a reason.
I am done convincing myself
everything is a sign from the universe.
Sometimes, things just happen
And I am done blaming
a different planet every time I mess up.

I am done accusing astrology
of shaping me into who I am.
I am done giving second chances
to people who already hurt me once.
I am done giving the benefit of the doubt
to people who certainly will always be the same.
I am done feeling guilty for speaking my truth.

I am done wearing glasses.
I do not want to wear glasses anymore.
I want to see things as they are
As clearly as possible.
I want to live a life without glasses
And start all over again, from the ashes.

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