Ekim is hurt

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After Dağhan's farewell speech with Ayşe, we all ran there. When we entered the garden of the house, we encountered Dağhan with a gun in his hand.
Ayşe/Ekim: Dağhan!.
Bekir: Dağhan, what are you doing?
Ekim: Drop the gun.
Dağhan: Take Leyla and go, Ekim.
Ozan: Dağhan, put the gun down, it's going to be really bad.
Dağhan: Why? You deserve to die.
Kanat: Dağhan please.
Dağhan: Don't talk at all. You deserve to die too.
Ekim: Dağhan, this is not the solution.
Dağhan: Someone will die here tonight, Ekim and it won't be me. Kanat, Melisa or Ozan.
Kanat: I understand you're nervous. But please don't. Come, let's talk.
Dağhan: I have nothing to talk about with someone like you.
Ayşe: Dağhan, please don't. For me please. (nets).
Dağhan: I'm sorry Ayşe. I won't let them take you from me.

Ekim: Dağhan, I will help you. Please do not.
When I approached Dağhan, Kanat's gaze turned to me. He was telling me to walk away.
Ekim: Dağhan, look Ayşe is upset, give me the gun.
Dağhan: Ekim, stay away.
When he turned the gun on me, I took a few steps back in fear. At that time, Kanat had tried to grab Dağhan and take the gun. Everyone froze when an explosion was heard.

I scream out in the sharp pain I felt.
Ayşe: Ekim!. Do something!
Kanat came running up to me and put my head on his knees.
Kanat: Ekim, don't be afraid, I'm here.
He picked me up and took me to the car.
Kanat: It takes time for the ambulance to arrive. I will take you to the hospital.
I couldn't take it anymore and closed my eyes.

Kanat's pov
When I got to the hospital, I quickly got out of the car and took Ekim in my arms. God please don't let anything happen to her. I am nothing without it. I can't lose it. When I entered, the nurses took her to surgery. I was sitting on the ground crying.
Kanat: If anything happens to her, I will kill you with my own hands.
Dağhan: I didn't want to hurt her.
Ayşe: All this happened because of you.
I got up and wiped my tears.
Kanat: Your boyfriend shot her. Did not you see?.
Ayşe: Are you really worried about Ekim or is this your little game? Don't talk like you're a very nice person. If you had not done these things to Dağhan, these would not have happened. Get out of here!.
The things she said hurt me so much. The thought that Ekim was in because of me drove me crazy.
Kanat: I'm not going anywhere. I have to see that she's okay.
Ozan came up to me and patted my shoulder.
Ozan: Do not be afraid, my friend. Ekim is a strong girl. it will be fine.
Kanat: I hope Ozan.

After a while, Ekim's mother came. The woman was crying nonstop. Ayşe and Orjinal had calmed her down by force and took her to another place.

Hours later, the surgery was over. When the doctor came, we immediately asked about the situation of Ekim.
Ayşe: Is my friend okay?
Kanat: Please tell me you're okay.
Doctor: She lost a lot of blood, but she's fine. She needs to rest for a long time. Get well soon.
Kanat: When can we see it?.
Doctor: She's sleeping now. When her wake up, we will take her to the normal room, then you will see.
When the doctor left, the others went downstairs to give this news to Ms. Neşe. They took Ekim to the normal room. I was watching her from the window of the room. Please wake up darling.
Ozan: I told you.
Kanat: She will never forgive me.
Ozan: That's up to you.
Ozan and I went downstairs and had coffee. I couldn't face Ekim in this state. I washed my hands and went back upstairs. When I looked the window, I saw that Ekim had woken up and was talking to his mother. She looked the other way when he saw me.

I looked at her when her mother left the room.
Kanat: Is she alright?
Neşe: Yes. Go. I'm informing your friends now. You don't need to stay here.
God. Her mother also hated me. When she left, I immediately entered the room. She had turned her face again when she saw me.
Kanat: My Ekim, are you okay?.
I sat next to her and took her hand.
Ekim: Let go of my hand.
Kanat: I'm sorry.
She pulled his hand away from me and look at me with a hateful look.
Ekim: I don't want you.
Kanat: I did what you deserve.
Ekim: You, how can you still talk to me like that?
Kanat: Okay, I'm sorry.
Ekim: Go, go, I don't want to see you.
Kanat: Just don't act like I'm guilty, Ekim.
Ekim: Kanat go away!. Ah!. It hurt! MOM!. MOM!.
Kanat: Don't get up, stop, reach out.
Ekim: Let me go. Do not touch.

I immediately withdrew. When her mother came in, she gave me a quick glance and went to Ekim. When I left the room, I saw Ozan.
Ozan: Bro, what's going on?
Kanat: I anger her off.
Ozan: Kanat, what are you doing? You need to forgive yourself.
Kanat: I will. But now I have to go. I will come again.
I left the hospital and went home and started preparing.

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