Ekim sees Kanat and Gaye(part2)

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When I came to school today, I saw a lot of flowers and a little note on my desk. It wasn't hard to figure out who it was from. I smiled when I opened the note and started reading. Kanat.. I met Kanat when I gathered the flowers and left the classroom.
Kanat: Do you like it?
Ekim: It is impossible not to like beautiful flowers.
Kanat: Glad.
Ekim: But whether I like the person who sent these flowers is a bit suspicious.
Kanat: Ekim please.
I came closer and looked into him eyes. It was obvious how much he regretted it. Maybe I should have given him another chance.
Ekim: Why didn't you tell me?
Kanat: I was afraid you would leave me.
Ekim: Where are we now? I left you anyway (laughs)
Kanat: I know. I didn't think it would happen like this.
Ekim: You don't think about anything anyway. Anyway..
Kanat: You're right. Will you forgive me?.
Ekim: I'll think about it.

I brushed my hair and walked past him. I was sure he was looking back at me with a smile. When I came to the canteen, I came to the girls and left the flowers on the table. Gaye was sitting at the next table.
Ayşe: Ekim, what are these flowers?
Hazal: Where did you find them?
Ekim: Kanat... He begs me to forgive him.
I had deliberately spoken loudly. When the girls realized this, they responded with laughter.
Ayşe: He doesn't want to lose her beautiful and young lover.
Hazal: After all, you are the right person for him.
When Gaye got up from the table in anger and left, we laughed nonstop after her.

When the class time came, we left the canteen and went to the classroom. After the classes were over, I collected the books and left the classroom. Kanat was still in the garden. When he saw me he smiled and came over to me.
Kanat: Do you want me to drive you home?
Ekim: Why? We are not lovers.
Kanat: I know, but I want to drive you home.
Ekim: That wouldn't be true.
Kanat: What do you want me to do, Ekim?
Ekim: Give me your phone.
Kanat: Okay.
He took the phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. When I turned on the phone, it had a password.
Ekim: What's you password?
Kanat: You birthday.
Trying not to laugh, I entered the phone's password. When I opened and entered the place with the numbers, I wrote her name in the search box. I looked at Kanat angrily at what I saw.
Ekim: Why do you have this girl's number?!.

When he looked at me with fear, I could hardly keep myself from laughing at this. He was scared like a child.
Kanat: I forgot to delete it, I'm really sorry I don't talk to her.
Ekim: Okay shut up!. Your phone will stay with me. If she sends you any message, I will reply to her, do you understand?
Kamat: Got it. Are we making peace?.
Ekim: Maybe.
Kanat: Can I kiss?
I leaned closer and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
Ekim: Now drop me off at home.
Kanat: At your command, my love.

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