Ekim and Ateş become lovers

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After our conversation with Ateş yesterday, I decided to give him a chance. He liked me and wanted me to be his girlfriend. Even though I had feelings for Kanat, he hated me now. I had to look after my own life too. When the message came, I took my bag and went downstairs. He was waiting for me in front of my door with his Ateş motor. When I saw him, I smiled and went to him. He was a good and kind boy. I put the helmet on my head, smiling as he kissed my cheek.
Ateş: What do you think?
Ekim: About what?.
Ateş: We will go to school as lovers.
Ekim: So yes, I think it's a normal thing.
Ateş: I think so too.
When I got on the engine, I hugged Ateş. I was not used to the engine at all. When we got to school together, everyone's eyes immediately turned to us. I shyly got off the motorbike and took off my helmet. When he saw the tense expression on my face, he kissed my cheek and tried to calm me down.
When my eyes turned to Kanat, who was watching me from afar, I entered the school with Ateş, giving him a short glance. Everyone was looking at us and saying something. I tried hard to ignore them.
Ekim: Your lesson starts now?
Ateş: Unfortunately, yes.
Ekim: No problem. When it's recess, you can text me and we'll meet.
Ateş: Ok.
He came closer and placed a small kiss on my lips.

I had to go out to the library and get some books. As I walked towards the shelves to find the book I wanted, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me quickly.
Ekim: Let me go. Stop.
Kanat: Be quiet.
When I saw Kanat, I looked at him with anger.
Ekim: What do you think you're doing?
Kanat: What do you think you're doing? Is it your new toy?
Ekim: Bullshit Kanat. Do not touch me.
Kanat: I can do what I want,
Ekim: I also do what I want.
Kanat: Now it's his turn, isn't it? You're going to stab him in the back.
Ekim: Since when do you think about Ateş's well-being?
Kanat: I felt sorry for him.
Ekim: You're in a worse situation than anyone else here.
Kanat: I can't be like you, believe me.
Ekim: I don't believe it. Go deal with your family problems, Kanat. Not with me.

I stopped when him eyes started to fill with tears. I think I spoke too harshly.
Kanat: Wow. Is this how you take revenge?
Ekim: If I wanted revenge, I wouldn't have waited a month. Believe me, I don't care.
Lied. I cared. But he didn't need to know that.
I left when I let go of my arm.

We met Ateş in the canteen when it was recess. He buy us both coffee and came over to me.
Ateş: How do you feel?
Ekim: Very good, you?.
Ateş: Me too.
After a few minutes, Kanat and Melissa had entered the canteen together. Melissa clung to Kanat as usual. When they saw us, she had come to us by dragging Melissa Kanat by the arm.
Melissa: Congratulations Ekim. It suits you very well.
Ekim: Thanks Melissa. But tell that boyfriend not to grab my arm again and pull me somewhere.
At what I said, Melissa glared at Kanat angrily.
Melissa: What does Kanat say?
Kanat: I don't know, Melissa.
Ekim: Please go fight elsewhere.

Ates and I laughed at them when Melissa Kanat got into a fight and left. I left to get ready for gym class and went to change. When we came to the gym, the men were laughing and playing among themselves. Kanat's angry gaze was constantly oscillating between me and Ateş. After a few warm-ups, we sat down to watch the match. Everyone understood the tension between them. After a while, they both threw the ball on the ground and started to fight, while the others were trying to separate them.
Ateş: What's wrong with you?.
Kanat: I would say it's you. You can never take my place, understand that.
Ateş: Your problem is Ekim. You're crazy because I have a girlfriend. She is my girlfriend.

I rolled my eyes as the girls' eyes, especially Melissa, turned to me. Kanat was officially jealous of me in public. The teacher forcibly separated the two and ended the lesson. When I got out of the gym, Kanat called after me.
Ekim: What do you want?.
Kanat: Please tell me you're not really dating him.
Ekim: No.
Kanat: Tell me.
Ekim: Kanat he's my lovers. Accept this now.
I knew he was very upset when I turned around and left, but he deserved it.

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