1. Cycle .

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Heyy lovesss, Just wanna clear something up real quick. This chapter or book does not encourage smoking in any way or form, it's just a fictional book.

Thanks for understanding..<3.


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Every fucking day.

Every day is the fucking same.

Wake up, Work till my legs numb, Smoke weed, and sleep.

Like being stuck in a cycle that goes on and on.

It's been the same shit for three years now.

Am honestly not the type for drama but I need something to keep me at the edge of my seat you know?

Or maybe one day I could even find love and get married.

Ew no lol.  

I don't want men and men don't want me it's a fair trade to me.

"Ms. Gold you know those tables aren't going to serve themself" A voice that belongs to my boss echoed pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I don't pay these girls to just sit there and look pretty" I heard her mumble as she went to the back.

"Yes ma'am" I internally rolled my eyes as I picked up my pen and book to take orders while walking out the counter.

"Welcome to the cafe what can I get for you?" I asked looking down at my notebook.

"You" A familiar voice spoke making my eyes snap up to meet Arny's.

When I say men I don't want me Arny doesn't count, We have been friends since high school and he has not tried to hide his undying love for me but I simply don't see him that way, he was more of a brother to me.

"In your dreams Arny" I shook my head at his words, he never misses an opportunity to flirt.

"If being yours was a dream I would never want to wake up" He flirted relaxing both elbows on the table.

"Don't you have a life aside obsessing over me?" I questioned laughing a little.

"Nope" he smiled, he is never gonna change? probably not.

"I'll go get your usual before that witch yells at me again" I walked away going to the counter to make his drink when Melanie walked out the back.

Melanie is my Korean best friend/roommate. Mel is the definition of a pretty girl she is perfect in every way and men are always swapping around her like bees.

I noticed she wasn't in work clothes confusing me.

"And where are you going?" I asked her as she packed her things out of the lockers.

"On a date" She answered finishing up whatever she was doing, At this point when is she not going on a date I don't blame her if I was a guy I would definitely smash her.

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