chapter 29

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After Cleo left me, I went back to Pedri and I's room. Pedri was laying in his bed on his phone, but he didn't say anything when I came in. I grabbed some sweats and a tee shirt, then hopped in the shower.

Did I say too much? I wasn't sure if my compliments were too much considering we had just made reparations. I rinsed out my shampoo, then got out of the shower. I put on my clothes then went to bed. I had been laying there for a few minutes before Pedri said anything.

"So what happened?" He asked me.

"We talked."


"And I think we got back together."

"What do you mean you think?"

"Like we never said it. But we said we loved each other."

"That means you're back together, dumbass." Pedri joked.

"Hey, bully. Don't be mean, I don't know a lot about this stuff. You're so much cooler than me." I turned over so that I was facing Pedri, but he was facing the ceiling.

"Oh, going fishing, are we?"

"I'm serious, I get so insecure sometimes. She could date anyone on the team."

"No she couldn't, most of us are married or way too old for her." Pedri turned towards me.

"I'm sure she still could if she wanted to."

"Yeah, if she wanted to. I know that you don't have a lot of confidence, but you have to have enough the see that Cleo really likes you."

"Thanks bro." I said, turning away.

"Go to bed," Pedri said.

"I am, dummy," I replied. Pedri threw a pillow at me, and with that I went to sleep.





The next morning, I woke up a little late, which was fine since I had all my stuff packed, I just didn't have time for breakfast. I quickly changed into my comfy clothes, washed my face, and put my hair up, then gathered up my bags and headed to the bus.

"Cleo!" Gavi waved as I walked on the bus. His face lit up and in turn, mine did too. I went and sat by him, and he handed me a muffin. "I got you this from a little shop down the street."

"Thank you!" I quickly ate the muffin and put the wrapper in my cup holder.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me.

"I slept fine," I lied. I didn't want to tell him about my encounter because he seemed oddly happy today. "What's got you so happy?"

"Just happy to be here with you," he smiled, and I gave him a hug.

The first hour and a half of the ride ww didn't talk much. We were both just on our phones and every so often Gavi would show me a video he thought was funny.

"God, I'm starving," Balde said, turning around. He put his chin on the headrest and looked over at Gavi.

"Pedri brought apples," Gavi said which made me laugh.

"What?" Pedri said from across the aisle.

"Why apples? Thats just funny," I replied.

"Well they're good. Not everyone can survive off of smarties."

"I've actually got some," I said, reaching into my bag and pulling out a roll. Balde snatched them out of my hand.

"Thank you!" He shouted.

Gavi started talking to me about the strict diets they have to follow, and I couldn't have cared less, I was just glad to be talking to him. I loved seeing the way his face would light up when I showed interest in what he was talking to me about.

"Yo Gavi, come here for a sec," Pedri said. I let Gavi out then sat back down. After ten minutes I was bored and lonely which is not a good combination, so I texted Claudia again.



Claudia: omg Cleo what did someone die?

Cleo: no...

Claudia: GAVI??

Cleo: yap


Cleo: Lunch when we get back?

Claudia: I can't wait that long omg

Cleo: Fine here's the modified version. Gavi and I were sitting in the hot tub and now were back together

Claudia: You shouldn't get back with your ex's you know

Cleo: We'll talk when I get back

Claudia: nooo don't leave me

Cleo: I'm getting car sickkkkk ily

With that I turned off my phone and just sat there. She was right, getting back with your ex typically isn't a good idea, but it was different with Gavi and I. The situation was just messy. Gavi never came back, he stayed with Pedri the whole rest of the bus ride.

Once we finally got back to Barcelona, I had to wait a little bit because I needed to take a picture of the trophy in the case. After I did that, I grabbed my bags from the bus. Gavi offered to take me home, so I put my stuff in his car.

"Are you doing anything today?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm getting lunch in like a half hour." I felt bad because I had a feeling he wanted to do something. "I'm free after, though."

"Want to go to the beach?" He asked.

"Of course! Text me," I said. He smiled.

"I'll get your stuff," he said as he pulled into his parking spot.

"No, it's ok, I've got it."

"Come on," he frowned.

"If you insist," I laughed. He carried my bags up to my room.

"Have a good time with Claudia," He said as he set my stuff down in the door way.

"I never said I was going with Claudia."

"Who else would you be going with?"

"That was mean," I laughed. "Don't party too hard."

"I will," Gavi kissed me, then left.

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