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"Hey, Amelia, how are you doing?" Emily asked to me.

"I'm doing fine, Em. How are you?" I said to her with a smile.

Losing hope on receiving help from Andrew, I decide to reach out to Emily for the moeny.

"I'm so sorry for what happened with Lucas... Ugh! He's such a scumbag!" Emily said in a mad tone as her brows crumpled.

"It's okay... I guess. At least now, I got to know his true intentions." I said to her in almost in a sad tone.

"You poor baby."

Emily pulls me into a hug patting my back.

"I'm sorry I asked you to meet here, the restaurant is busy, and I have a tight shift. So I had to choose a spot near the restaurant." Emily said to me.

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind." I said to her.

"So, what was so urgent that you couldn't wait till evening?" Emily asked to me.

"I... I need to borrow some money, Emily. Well... not some, I guess." I said to her in a sad tone.

Her eyes widened. "What happened?" She asked to me.

"Dad had a heart attack yesterday. The doctors need to perform a bypass surgery soon... and we don't have any source to pay the fee." I said to her.

"Oh God, I hope he gets better. I'll check in with Dean soon and let you know how much we can lend you." Emily said to me.

Oh, right. I forgot Emily had been saving up money to buy an apartment with Dean, her boyfriend. Now I feel like I've put her in a tight spot.

"What about the money you saved for... uhh, you know, to expand the restaurant? Now that you and Lucas are done, I guess you are free to spend those savings as you see fit. Emily asked to me. 

"Yeah, about that... Lucas has withdrawn all the savings from our joint savings account." I said to Emily.

Her eyes widen in shock. "What?! But most of those were your savings! Wait... almost all of those were your savings, Amelia!" Emily said to me.

"I know... but I don't know what to do." I said to her in a sad tone.

"How dare he do all this and then accuse you of cheating?!" I'm so pissed right now!" Emily said in rage as her brow crumpled in anger.

My eyes widen of what I heard from her. "He accused me of what?" I asked to Emily.

"I... I just didn't want to upset you by telling you this. We all know you didn't do anything wrong." Emily said to me in a worried tone.

"Emily, just tell me what it is." I said to her in a serious tone.

"Well, Lucas has been spreading rumors that you've been cheating on him with... Andrew Jackson." Emily said to me.

My eyes widen. "The Gourmet?" I asked to her in clarification.

"The same one. He's telling the other employees that you slept your way into The Gourmet's home. Called you a gold digger and stuff." Emily said to me

That doesn't even make sense. I feel so betrayed.

"I can't believe he is spreading rumors about me when he is the one who cheated! I don't understand how I didn't notice his vile character all this while." I said out of anger.

"Love and hope make people blind, Amelia. Just remember that I'm here for you whenever you need me." Emily said to me with a smile.

"I know, Em. Thank you." I said to her with a smile. "By the way, how do you guys even know I got a job with The Gourmet?" I asked to her.

His Personal Chef (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now