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"Hey, Amelia, can I come in?" I hear Bentley asked to me my permission.

"You're already in, Bentley." I said to him in a weak tone.

"Sorry, I did knock a few times, but you didn't respond. I got worried." Bentley said to me.

"Ugh, sorry about that, I was just... thinking." I said to Bentley.

"About?" He asked.

"Andrew." I shortly said to him. I take a deep breath as I allow Bentley to take a seat.

"I was just starting to feel like I knew a bit of him, and then he did this." I said to Bentley.

"I understand how you might be feeling. I also told him that he should have asked for your opinion before deciding it for himself." Bentley said to me.

"I know he was aiming for a sweet gesture. I get that now. But back then, I don't know what came over me, it felt like he overstepped a personal boundary, and all I saw was red." I said to Bentley.

"Hmm... how did it go with Mr. Jackson?" Bentley asked to me.

I let out a sigh and hang my head, recalling the horrid dinner.

"Not well, I guess?" Bentley said to me in a question.

"You guessed right. He had it for me, accused me of seducing his son even though we are anything but real. How ironic. Wait—you know about me and Andrew, or did I just—"

"I do. Andrew told me. Though I'm not very happy with your little... arrangement, I hope it helps you both get close, understand each other a bit more." Bentley said to me in a small smile.

"I hope so too. There's never a moment with Andrew. I'm always excited, happy, nervous... or angry with him." I said to Bentley.

"Haha, I know he feels the same about you. He told me how you turned him down when he asked you for your souffle recipe." Bentley said to me as he laughed.

My eyes widened of what Bentley just said. "He told you about that?" I asked to Bentley.

"He did." Bentley responded with a smile. Bentley moves a little closer. He bec me to come close as if he's telling a secret.

"And he still tries to get the recipe right at night when you're asleep." Bentley said to me in a whisper.

"You two seem close..." I said to Bentley with a small smile in my lips.

"Yes, that boy, he's like a son to me. He seems stern and closed off, but once he lets you in, you'll see he's a simple man who is very easily pleased. And you're so near to breaking those walls of his, Amelia."

"Walls, you say?" I asked to Bentley in curiosity.

"He has his reasons for putting them up, one of those being his father." Bentley said to me, answering my question.

"They don't get along quite well, do they?" I asked to Bentley.

Bentley's face falls in frown. "True, they don't. It must have a hit a nerve when you compared him to his father. Mr. Jackson was neither an ideal husband to his mother nor an ideal father."

I guess their hard feelings run deeper than just some date set-ups.

"I shouldn't have said that... I feel bad now. I didn't actually mean it. It's just..." I said in a sad tone.

"It's okay. Let him cool down. He'll understand." Bentley said to me with a smile.

"I will. Thank you, Bentley."

"See you in the morning, Amelia."

What a way to end the day. I still can't believe Andrew blurted out that he likes me.

His Personal Chef (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now