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"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Maya, Andrew's fiancee."

"Fiancee?!" I said in shock. 

What the hell is going on here? And Andrew... he looks happy. Everything that has been going on between us the past two weeks, was it just for fun?

"Ex-fiancee. Didn't you break off our engagement year ago, before you traveled out of the states?" Andrew asked to the woman.

"It doesn't matter anyway. Your father is setting us up again. I swear the old man is persistent." The woman said to Andrew.

Andrew chuckled. "Tell me about it."

I need to know what's happening.

"Uhh, what's going? I am feeling a bit out of the loop here." I asked to Maya.

"Our parents have been trying to get us both together since we were teenagers." Maya said to me.

"And they've been failing miserably." Andrew added.

"Because you are being a stubborn idiot and don't want to get married." Maya madly said to Andrew.

I'm sure there is nothing between them, but why do I desperately want to crawl into a hole and cry.

"Oh my God, Maya, is that you?" 

"Bentley!" Maya happily said as she saw Bentley.

I see Maya wrap Bentley into a tight hug. They start conversing like old friends, and Bentley leads her into the house.

They seem close...

"Souffle?" I hear Andrew called me and I look at him.

"I... I'll be in the kitchen." I said to him as I walk away going to the kitchen.

"Souffle, wait!"

My eyes burn with unshed tears as I storm into the kitchen, leaving Andrew in the hall.

"Souffle, talk to me." I hear Andrew said to me.

"I'm cooking, Andrew. I'm busy."

"I could smell the food from the dining room. What more are you cooking?" Andrew asked to me.

"I didn't know we were having guests, now I need to cook again." I said to him. Frustrated, I take out my aggression on the vegetables I'm preparing.

I feel Andrew behind me. His warm hands come around my waist to hold mine.

"Go slow. You're going to hurt yourself. Are you always this careless in the kitchen?" Andrew asked to me in a worried tone.

"Are you going to stay here trying to piss me off while I try to cook?" I ask to him with a cross-mad brows.

Getting out of his hold, I try to move away and find something else to work on.

Andrew's hand tugs at my wrist before I can get away, and he pulls me to him. 

"What are you doing? I told you I'm busy." I said to him in a widen eyes.

"Trying to figure out why you can't meet my eyes. What's wrong, Souffle?" Andrew asked to me.

I look away at him. "Nothing. Don't you have a guest to take care of? I'll be out to serve you food after I finish this. Give me a few minutes." I said to him without looking at him.

"Hell, Souffle, look at me." 

His hand delicately cups my chin to lift my face. His face looks pained. I can only imagine if mine looked familiar. 

"Do you regret getting involved with me?" Andrew asked to me.

"No, Andrew, this isn't about us. This is about your fiancee showing up out of nowhere! And the worst part, I can clearly see that you like her. You don't spare a smile, let alone a laugh, at people you don't like, and earlier, you couldn't stop smiling." 

His Personal Chef (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora