Chapter 1

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Hailey's P.O.V.

I was hanging out with Steve just watching as he spent hours punching a punching bag. He goes through at least five of them a day, maybe more.

"Ready to go find something to eat?" Steve asked, unwrapping his hands as he looked at me.

"Yeah, I could eat," I said, standing up. When Steve packed up everything, we left the gym to go find a restaurant.

"Let's stop by the apartment first so I can leave this there," Steve said, motioning to his bag. I nodded as we made our way to our apartment.

When we got there I waited in the hall as he put his bag in his room. He came back out and together we left to a restaurant.

"I still can't believe we're actually in this time," Steve said as we stepped outside.

"Yeah it's so weird here," I agreed. We walked around before spotting a McDonald's, deciding to just go there.

When we got there I ordered a Big Mac as Steve got a different kind of burger. We sat at a booth to eat.

"I want to go to our old base one of these days," I told Steve, him looking at me confused.

"Why?" Steve asked after he had swallowed his food.

"I want to see if my stuff is still in that cave," I said, finishing my burger and continuing to eat my fries.

"It's kind of unlikely, but we can still go to see. It's in the hideout, right?" Steve asked. I nodded. We finished eating in silence.

We decided to go back to our apartment. On the way there we ran into Clint Barton, someone who works for Nick Fury.

"Hey, guys," Clint said, coming up to us. I gave him a smile.

"Hey," Steve said, shaking his hand with a smile.

"Where are you guys off to?" Clint asked, looking between us.

"Just going to our apartment for the night. We just had dinner so we'll probably catch up on some more stuff about the time we're in and then go to bed," I explained.

"I can't imagine what you guys had to go through. Thinking you guys died just to wake up in a whole different year," Clint said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's definitely been a process to get used to this time we're in, but we're getting there. It's so weird thinking that the people we were close with back then are all gone," Steve said, a frown on his face.

"Oh yeah, I didn't even think about that. Well everyone you knew thinks you guys died being heroes," Clint said, giving us a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, everyone except one," I said with a frown, thinking about the man I loved.

"Anyway, we should get to the apartment. I still have to watch a few more Star Wars movies that someone recommended," Steve said, giving Clint a smile.

"Yeah, of course, I'll see you guys later!" Clint said, giving me a hug and shaking Steve's hand again before continuing on his way to wherever he was going.

Steve and I arrived at our apartment not too long later and went to the living room where we had this thing, I think it's called a computer. We turned it on and thought about what we wanted to search.

After doing some research for a few hours, Steve wanted to watch the next Star Wars movie he was on. It was the third one, but the sixth one made, but that didn't make sense to me.

Why make the first three last?

He put the movie that someone had let him borrow into the tv and the movie came on. I think Star Wars is interesting, but sometimes it gets a little confusing for me.

It was nearly ten at night by the time it was over, so we decided to get a quick snack from our kitchen and go to bed.

"What do you want?" Steve asked, opening the cabinet. I thought for a bit.

"Do we just have some fruit snacks?" I questioned, not in the mood for too much. I always get so upset when I think about James any time of the day.

"Yeah, we've got some. Here," Steve said, handing me the small package.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a smile.

"Are you thinking about Bucky?" Steve asked. I sighed.

"Yeah. It's hard, you know? He falls and he dies. We fall and we just wake up in a whole different world. It's not fair. He should be with us," I told him, tears in my eyes. Steve nodded, wrapping me in his arms.

"I know. We have to learn to get over it, though. It's in the way past now. I know it seems impossible. I mean to us it seems like it happened just last week, but in reality it was almost seventy years ago. I can and will help you get over it, Hailey. You're not the only one who lost someone you loved, he may have been almost your boyfriend, but he was my brother," Steve explained. I frowned, looking up at him.

"I'm so sorry, Stevie. I've been so caught up in my own feelings, I didn't even make sure you were okay," I said, feeling bad.

"Hey, it's okay. I've actually gone to some therapy for it. Maybe you could, too," Steve told me. I shrugged.

"Maybe. I just want to go to sleep right now and hope I don't have a nightmare," I said, leaning my head on his chest. 

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning. We're going to work out again," Steve said, kissing the top of my head. I nodded before pulling away from the hug and going to my room, eating my fruit snacks on the way.

I finished them by the time I made it to my room. I got changed into my sweatshirt and sweatpants to sleep in. I wish the sweatshirt was James' favorite one, but that's in my box at the hideout Steve and I had made.

I climbed into bed, wishing I had James with me right beside me.

Soon I fell asleep, my dreams the memories I have with James.

Here's the first chapter of my new story! This was kinda just so you guys know how they're coping with everything they've gone through. As I said in the characters part, this isn't going to be exactly like the movie. There will be moments like this a lot! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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