Chapter 6

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Hailey's P.O.V.

A while had passed before we were finally almost there. With the help of my memories of how the base looked like, Natasha and I planned out an emergency escape route just in case we needed one.

"So we'll have to land a little bit away from where the cave was. So if the cave is here, we'll have to land way over here," Natasha said as she circled places on the map we made. I nodded as I looked at her markings.

"Sounds good. I think if we go this way," I drew a line through the base to show, "then we'll get to the cave both safer and faster," I finished. Natasha nodded.

"Alright. Make sure you remember this. We'll leave the map with the pilot. It looks like we're here. Hey, can you land right over there?" Natasha asked the pilot, going to the front and pointing where she wanted us to land. The pilot and nodded and soon the jet was parked.

Natasha and I walked out of the jet, prepared to fight if anyone was here. The base looked empty, but that doesn't mean it is. We went on the path I had drawn on the map.

"The cave is over in those woods," I pointed out.

"Is it any different here?" Natasha asked as we walked into the woods. I looked around.

"The woods, no. The base wasn't too different, except there was a building I don't remember seeing before," I explained.

"They must've needed more space," Natasha said as we came across where the cave would be if I hadn't caved it in.

"Yeah probably. Well, here it is. Do you have anything to open it up?" I asked, realizing I should've brought explosives or even a pickax.

"Yeah, I always have explosives on me. Where should we place them to not ruin your stuff?" Natasha asked, looking over at me. I walked around the area, in my head picturing where all of my things are.

"Right here," I said, pointing to the spot furthest from my things.

Natasha nodded and came to me, placing some bombs. We walked away from it and hid behind a giant stone.

"Want to do the honors?" Natasha asked, holding up the remote for the bombs.

"Sure," I said, taking the remote from her.

I sat in silence for a little bit, thinking about my times at the base.


Soon my eyes were so dry they hurt. It felt like I had no more tears to cry. I could still hear people cheering, even yelling "To Captain America!" loudly. I couldn't believe that they would be happy he was gone.

I heard someone running around in the woods.

"Where is she?" A voice asked loudly. They were pretty far away.

"I'm not sure. I think I may have an idea, though," a very familiar voice said. I furrowed my eyebrows. Footsteps got louder and closer to me. I hugged the sweatshirt close to me before a silhouette was standing in the entrance of the cave.

"Is she in there?" A voice asked, finally the voice sounding familiar.

"Yes, she is. Hailey, I'm so happy to see you're okay!" Steve exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug. I had finally seen his face when he was close enough. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back and squeezing my eyes closed.

"Oh, Steve! I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed, tightening my hold on him.

"Glad to see you're excited to see me as well, doll," I heard a voice joke. I opened my eyes and froze at who I saw.


"James? Oh my gosh! I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed, moving away from Steve to hug James. James hugged me back, his face shoving into my neck.

"I'm not, doll. I'm not," James said, tightening his hold.

"I was so worried about you. Did they do anything to you?" I asked, pulling away to look into his steel blue eyes.

"I was strapped to a table when Steve got me. They must've done something, but I honestly don't remember," James said. I frowned.

"Well obviously what they might've done didn't kill you. Hopefully it wasn't too bad," I said, putting a hand on his arm.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we should get back to the compound. I'm sure Howard and everyone will want to know what happened," Steve said. I nodded. I grabbed James hands and the three of us went back to the main compound.

"I still don't understand how you're so much taller and bigger than before," James said as we walked. Steve chuckled.

"Well, I wasn't the only one to change," Steve said. James looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" James asked.

"Well, Hailey here can turn invisible," Steve said, pointing to me. James stopped, looking at me with wide eyes.

"What? No way. That's impossible," James said. I laughed before thinking of becoming invisible. I've never done it with my eyes open before, but I wanted to see James' reaction.

"Ta-da!" I said, knowing it worked when James' eyes went wide. His jaw dropped causing me to laugh and push it shut, causing him to flinch since he obviously didn't see it coming.

"Wow, it worked! Even your clothes are gone," James said in total awe.

"Yeah! Howard made me clothes that would turn invisible so that I'd be able to save myself if I was ever in danger," I explained. I thought of being visible again and I watched as James' eyes lit up at seeing me.

"That's incredible. Man, I really missed a lot," James said.

~Flashback end~

"Hailey?" Natasha asked, snapping me back into reality.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I got lost in my memories, well I guess it was only one memory. Anyway, let's go," I said, pressing the button. A very loud boom was heard and a lot of crashing before sudden silence.

"Ready?" Natasha asked softly. I looked to her and nodded.

We got up and saw that there was a perfect entrance for us to get in.

"I'll stay out here in case we have unexpected visitors. We made a lot of racket," Natasha said. I just nodded before going in. Before I did, though, Natasha handed me a flashlight.

Clicking the flashlight on, I pointed it to where my stuff was. And there it all was.

I rushed to it and immediately pulled on James' favorite sweatshirt. Somehow it still smelled like him, which I thought would be impossible.

Tears filled my eyes as I took out his dog tags on a chain. I put them around my neck and held onto them before just grabbing my box of all the other things. It was a big box.

I walked out with my box and wordlessly Natasha and I walked back to the jet. Once we got in the pilot immediately took off.

"Wanna go through what's in there?" Natasha asked quietly. I shook my head.

"I want to wait to do that with Steve," I told her, tears going down my cheeks. Natasha nodded before going to the front and sitting by the pilot, leaving me on one of the benches on the side.

Gosh I can't wait to go through this box of memories with Steve.

Here's a new chapter! I really enjoyed writing this one. You get to read some parts from the first story! It shows how much Hailey misses James. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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