Chapter 5

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Hailey's P.O.V.

The door opened and a man with a cape, long hair, and a really big hammer jumped in. He pushed Steve and Tony back before grabbing Loki and flying out of there using his hammer.

"Another Asgardian? Do you think he's a friendly?" Steve asked, standing up beside Tony.

"It doesn't matter. He took Loki, we need to get him back," Tony said, his iron man helmet going around his head as he walked towards the door.

"Wait, Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Steve said, grabbing a parachute.

"I have a plan," Tony said, looking back at us. "Attack."

Steve sighed at Tony flew off. He started to put on the parachute.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap! Those guys are very powerful, they're pretty much gods," Natasha said, looking back at him. Steve tightened the parachute around him.

"There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that. You stay here, Hailey," Steve said, jumping out. I looked over at Natasha.

"He's right, you know. There's only one God," I told her. She just shrugged in response.

"Depends on what you believe," Natasha said. I nodded, always respecting that everyone has their own opinions about things; something that a lot of people don't seem to do.

I sat down on one of the benches on the sides of the jet, waiting for Steve, Tony, and hopefully Loki to come back. I really hope whoever that other guy was didn't try to hurt them. Of course, why wouldn't he? He seems to be on Loki's side.

I stared at the wall across from me as I waited, used to the feeling of worry I'd get anytime Steve went to fight. He's all I really have left. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. He's like a brother to me. We've been through so much together.

"You alright, Hailey?" I heard Natasha ask. I looked over at her to see she was turned in her seat to look at me.

"Yeah, just worried about Steve as usual. I hate when he goes to fight. I'm always scared he'll end up hurt, or worse," I told her. Natasha nodded in understanding.

"I get it. I know what it's like to be worried for someone. I'm worried about Clint, we're very close," Natasha said.

"How have we never met before? Clint and I are pretty good friends," I said, confused.

"I've been pretty busy lately. I was on a mission before Agent Coulson called me and asked me to come help with this whole thing," Natasha said. She glanced out at the window.

"That makes sense. I wonder when they'll be back," I said, following where she was looking.

Just at the moment, Tony flew in with Steve holding onto him and the new guy came flying in with Loki.

"Guys, this is Thor. He's Loki's brother," Steve said. I gave him a smile and waved.

"I'm Hailey," I introduced myself. Thor gave me a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Hailey," Thor said, a slight bow as he spoke.

"Natasha," Natasha said, before she focused on closing the door and bringing us back to base.

"Nice to meet you as well. Your friends here have convinced me to help you guys with Loki, as long as I can bring him back home when you're done with him," Thor explained. Tony made his helmet disappear.

"Yes, and remember it may be a while before he leaves. We want to know exactly what he's doing here and he doesn't seem to want to talk about it," Tony said. I looked at Loki and he made eye contact with me.

"I'm sure we'll get it out of him somehow," I said, causing Loki to smirk at me.

"Don't be too sure about that," Loki said. I just rolled my eyes in response. I looked to Steve.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all?" I asked him quietly as I walked over to him.

"Nah, I didn't exactly fight anyone. I just blocked myself with my shield from Thor's hammer," Steve told me, giving me a smile.

"Oh, that's good that that's all you had to do," I said sarcastically. Steve chuckled.

"Well, it could have gone a lot worse," Steve said. I shrugged, agreeing with him.

"Hang on, why are you only worried about capsicle? I actually fought the guy!" Tony said, jokingly jealous. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay, Tony? Are you hurt in any way?" I asked him.

"Oh, thanks for asking. No, I'm fine, actually. I totally won," Tony said, confident.

"Good," I said, rolling my eyes again. Thor chuckled.

"If anything, this guy right here won. He was able to block Mjolner," Thor said, patting Steve on the back.

"You named your hammer?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"You named a voice that you can hear everywhere you go?" Natasha asked, looking back at Tony.

"Well, yeah, how else am I supposed to let Jarvis know what I need?" Tony asked. Natasha just rolled her eyes and turned back to the front.

"Who's Jarvis?" I asked, looking to Tony.

"Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. He'll help you with whatever you need," Tony explained. I nodded, trying to understand. I guess I'd see if I ever meet Jarvis.

"Well, anyway, I didn't name Mjolnir. That is just her name, it's always been," Thor told us.

Soon we were back at the base. Some agents came and took Loki from us and brought him to where he'd be kept. Natasha showed me where we'd be staying every night; we shared a nice little room with a bathroom connected.

"So, we've got time. We could go check out that old base of yours," Natasha said, giving me a soft smile.

"That'd be great. Can we leave now?" I asked. Natasha nodded.

"I just have to let Fury know we'll be borrowing a jet, and then we can leave," Natasha said. I nodded. While she went to tell Nick, I look at all the stuff I had with me. Someone had gone to my shared apartment with Steve and brought us back most of our stuff.

I packed a few extra pairs of clothes, because you never know what may happen. I then put some fighting knives into a pocket in my bag in case there were unexpected visitors.

After I finished packing a few more things, Natasha walked in.

"Alright, Fury said we can borrow a jet and he let everyone know that it's set to be flown. I didn't tell him why, and he didn't ask why. He doesn't usually question me much," Natasha said as she started packing her own bag.

"Alright, sounds good. I want to keep this as a surprise for Steve, too. So let's just leave, hopefully get the stuff back, and get back here," I said. Natasha nodded.

Once she was finished packing, I followed her out to one of the jets. There was a pilot waiting for us, which I'm assuming that maybe Natasha can't exactly fly. I'm not sure. Maybe it's in case we have to escape quickly.

Natasha went onto the pilot seat while I sat on a bench in the back.

Man I hope my stuff is still there.

Here's a new chapter! Now we're steering away from the actual movie line for a bit! I hope that's okay with you all! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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