Chapter 2

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Hailey's P.O.V.

The next day we were at the gym again, Steve punching the punching bag. We've been here for about two hours.

Another hour had passed when I heard a door open. I looked to the entrance to see Nick Fury walking towards us.

"Steve," I said. He looked and saw Nick, but didn't stop working out.

"Hello Rogers, Summers," Nick said.

"What do you need?" Steve asked, the punching bag shooting across the room as he hit it very hard.

"I need your help. It has something to do with this," Nick said, handing Steve a folder. Steve and I shared a look before looking inside the folder to see it was about that blue, glowing cube that red skull had just before he vanished and we crashed.

"How'd you find this?" I asked, looking at Nick.

"Same way we found you. It was in the plane you guys were in," Nick said. I nodded in understanding.

"How are we supposed to help?" Steve asked, unwrapping his hands.

"This thing brought someone here from a different world. We believe his name is Loki. He took control of Clint and is planning on taking over the world. We need help from Captain America...and Invisagirl," Nick said.

"Invisagirl?" I asked, meeting Steve's eyes.

"That's what we came up with for your name. Every hero needs one, we like to keep your identities secret," Nick said. I looked at him and nodded.

"Well, thanks for that. How can we help?" I asked. Steve grabbed a punching bag and my hand and pulled me on our way out.

"I was hoping you had anything to say about the tesseract?" Nick questioned, following us.

"Yeah. You should've kept it in the ocean," Steve said, us leaving the building and Nick.

"Are we gonna help?" I asked, Steve still pulling me along.

"Yeah," Steve said after some thought. We went to our apartment to get changed into regular clothes before going to find Nick. He sent us onto a jet where we met Agent Coulson.

"You know, it's so weird seeing you in person. I'm such a big fan," Coulson said, giving Steve a grin. Steve smiled back at him a bit awkwardly.

"Well, it's really nice to meet you," Steve said, giving him a nod.

"You know, I watched you guys as you slept. Well, I was one of the agents over seeing it as you guys thawed and everything," Coulson said, a bit nervous. Steve and I shared a look before just nodding at him with awkward smiled.

"So will there be other people helping us get this Loki guy?" I asked. Coulson nodded, getting out this flat thing that had a screen like a computer did. He tapped it a few times and these images popped up, hovering over the screen with blue lights.

"Here are all of the heroes or people with special abilities that will be helping," Coulson said, handing the screen to Steve. I sat down next to Steve on the bench as we went through the people.

"Stark? Tony Stark? Is he related to Howard?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's Howard's son," Coulson said. I looked at him before looking at the pictures of Tony.

He looks so much like Howard.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"38," Coulson answered. I nodded.

"Look at this guy. He turns green when he gets angry after they tried remaking the serum. He also gets so huge and strong," Steve said, nudging me to look.

"It's weird that you had no weird side effects. You got the ones you were supposed to have, no added ones," I said.

"Yeah that is strange. I wonder if they ever figured out why you can turn invisible," Steve wondered. I shrugged, looking at the next person. Her name was Natasha Romanoff.

"Does she have any powers?" I asked.

"No, she's a really good fighter, though. She's been trained since a child, it says," Steve told me.

"That's cool," I mumbled. Clint was also in the list, probably just in case someone else who looked through these didn't know who he was.

Steve and I were also in it. It was interesting reading a bunch of stuff about us that we obviously already knew. It makes me wonder how they found out about every little thing.

Well except for where I hid my stuff. And that James and I confessed to each other.

All that it said about James and me was that it was very obvious that we loved each other romantically.

"Oh my gosh, there's even a picture of skinny me," Steve said, his cheeks turning red.

"Well that part of you is very important. It's one of the things that made," I told him, putting a hand on his arm. Steve gave me a smile.

"Yeah I guess that's true," Steve said, putting a hand on my hand that was still on his arm. We continued looking at anything else that was on the screen before Coulson spoke.

"We're here."

We stood up and looked out the window to see us landing on a giant base looking plane landing floating in the water. When we got out, Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner, the guy who turns into the Hulk, were walking towards us.

"So, you guys are Captain America and Invisagirl. I'm Natasha, or Black Widow. This is Bruce Banner, or the Hulk," Natasha said when she and Bruce got to us.

"Steve and Hailey," Steve said. We all shook hands before we started walking around.

"So what's it like dying one year and waking up in another?" Natasha asked us. I couldn't help but laugh at the way she said it.

"It's so weird. There are things that I miss a lot from the 40s," I said, looking over the edge of the place.

"I'd expect nothing less. That's where you know, that's what you're used to. And then you wake up when things are much different...unfamiliar. Of course you'd miss where you're from," Natasha said. I gave her a smile, knowing I'd like her a lot.

"Woah, what's happening?" Steve asked just as the ground started to shake.

"We better get inside," Natasha said. We looked over the edge to see the water moving.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asked.

"Really? They're gonna keep me in an enclosed place?" Bruce asked, looking slightly scared. Suddenly huge fan looking things moved upwards. "Oh, no, this is much worse."

Then suddenly we were in the air.

Here's a new chapter! I'm planning on watching the movie sometime so that the events are fresh in my head so I can keeps things in the correct order. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Invisagirl and the AvengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora