Chapter 13

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Hailey's P.O.V.

"It has to be today," I say sternly as I set the box down on the living room coffee table. Steve sighs as he looks at the box and back at me.

"Why?" Steve asks. I can see in his eyes he's not ready yet.

"Because I think it's time," I say, not wanting to tell Steve of my dream. He'll worry.

Before Steve can argue, I open the box. I smile when the first thing I see is a photo book of James and me. It starts from when we met all the way up to before he left to war.

"Wow...look at all this stuff..." Steve says in awe as he reaches in and pulls out one of James' shirts.

"I know. It's amazing," I say as I look through the pictures. Afterwards I put the photo book down and continue to go through the box.

"Look at this," Steve says, handing me a journal. I smile when I realize it's the diary James wrote in every day.

"I got him this for his 15th birthday. He wrote in it every day since," I chuckle as I read back on some of the entries James wrote.

"Aw, it's the teddy bear you and I bought him," Steve said hugging it to his chest. I chuckle.

"We called it his Bucky Bear," I say as I look at Steve. We both have tear-filled eyes and grins as we look through the box. Steve laughs.

"That's right! He was so annoyed at it at first, but eventually he loved it," Steve says, laughing still. I giggle softly.

"I miss him," I say softly. I sniffle as some tears start to fall. Steve sighs and nods.

"I do, too, Hailey," Steve says. My eyes catch sight of something. I pull out a tape.

"Where's that old VCR we have?" I ask as I hold it up. Steve's eyes widen.

"I'll go get it," Steve says before getting up and leaving. I look at where the title of the tape should be. All I find is this:

To Hails <3

My heart beats faster. I didn't know this was in here. I must've blindly grabbed it when packing, too busy trying to hurry.

Steve comes back in with our VCR. He gets it set up at the tv. Once finished, he takes the tape and puts it in. We sit on the couch, waiting as it loads. Finally, James appears.

James chuckles as he records himself in our apartment.

"James what are you doing?" My voice is heard. James smiles and flips the camera so that you see me, dressed in baggy clothes while eating a tub of chocolate ice cream.

"Recording," James says with a chuckle.

"Well, I can see that. Why?" I ask as James comes over and sits next to me on the couch in the living room. He makes it so that you can see both of us on the camera.

"Because someday when we're old, we can watch this and remember all of our good times we've had," James explains, stealing my spoon and taking a bite of my ice cream.

"Ah, I see. Well, hello future James Buchanan Barnes," I say playfully, waving to the camera.

"Don't forget to say hi to future Hailey Rose Barnes," James says teasingly. I roll my eyes.

"Stop saying that. We're not getting married," I say as I finish my ice cream. I put it on the coffee table in front of us. James just chuckles.

"I know, I just love seeing you get all annoyed. It's funny," James says.

"What's going on?" Steve's voice is heard. James turns the camera to Steve, showing his very skinny self.

"We're making a video for our future selves. Say hi to future Steve Rogers!" James says happily. Steve laughs and waves.

"Hello!" Steve says cheerfully. He joins on the couch. James sets the camera up to that it's towards all three of us.

"Look at this, the whole gang is here. You know some day, we'll be lucky to spend time the three of us. There might even be miniature versions of us. Little half me and Haileys, little Steve's and whoever he's gonna marry," James says. I scoff.

"Stop saying that kind of thing, James! If we're not getting married, we're not having kids!" I say, annoyed. James just smiles at me in an overly-sweet way.

"Just wait and see, Hails. I'm sure we'll be getting married in the future," James jokes. I roll my eyes.

"I hope future you watching this is embarrassed as he watches it with his future wife, who isn't me," I sass to James. James laughs.

"Please, knowing me I'll just be making jokes saying that I tried hard to get you to marry me, but then on the way of doing that I ran into the real woman I was destined to be with," James says.

The video switches.

James, now in an army uniform, is alone. He's looking into the camera with a sigh.

"Well, I wasn't expecting to make this video. I'm Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th Infantry Regiment. I'm hoping that Hailey is watching this. Well to be honest I hope she isn't, because if she means I'm dead," James says as he closes his eyes for a second to take a deep breath.

"Hails, I was real stupid before I left for war. I brought you on a triple date and set you up on purpose with a jerk. The truth is, I'm in love with you. I always have been whether I knew it or not. When I made those jokes about us being married in the future...I was secretly hoping those words became truth..." James trails off. He sighs.

"I guess they still can, because who knows, maybe I'll survive this. I mean it's also depending on if you feel the same way, but I honestly think you do, you just won't admit it. Anyway, I uh, I just wanted to let you know how I felt before I might die, and if this has to be the way I do it, then so be it. We're on our way to fight some Hydra people and honestly? I'm so terrified. The thought of not going back home to you, Hails, and to Steve..." James let's a tear fall as he closes his eyes tight again.

"I don't even want to imagine it..." James' voice cracks. He then reaches into his jacket pocket and holds up a small box. He opens it and inside is a ring.

"I had gotten this months ago. I had planned to ask you to be my girlfriend and then wait...I don't know, a year before proposing to you. I only got the ring this early because I had walked past the jewelry store and saw it and...gosh, Hails, it's perfect for you. I wanted to get it before someone else could. So I did," James puts it in focus of the camera.

"This is what's getting me through the war. The thought that I have to stay alive to give this to you," James let's a sob out suddenly. He breaks down crying. After several minutes, he stops and calms down.

"I have to go now. We just landed. Hails, hopefully you're not watching this. If you are, though...I love you. I wish I could've said it to you sooner in the way that I mean it now...I wish I could've kissed you. Just...I-I have to go now, doll, but I'll see you later. I promise."

The video ends. I have tears streaming down my cheeks. I look down as I try to calm myself.

"Wow..." Steve says next to me. He puts his arms around me and hugs me close.

"I-I can't believe he did that...gosh, Steve...I wish we could've gotten the life we wanted..." I sob into Steve's chest. Steve runs his fingers through my hair.

"I know, Hailey...I know," Steve says softly.

We spend the rest of the day crying and going through the box. I keep the tape in a special box I have. Well it's a safe, but same thing.


Here's a new chapter! Tbh writing the video part...I felt so sad during it. I almost imagined it as if I was going through Hailey's situation. It was so sad. Anyway, we're almost to the end! Either this one is the last part, or the next one. Either way, there will be a Thanks for Reading part and stuff explaining about the next story I'll be writing! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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