Chapter 3

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Hailey's P.O.V.

The four of us made our way inside of the new base.

"Do you enjoy being hulk?" I ask Bruce, wanting to make conversation.

"Do I like being the hulk? Absolutely not. I don't remember anything while I'm him, when I'm hulk he ends up hurting or even killing so many people, and he destroys everything. I wish I didn't become him," Bruce explained to me as we walked along hallways.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have you ever tried to figure out how to get rid of it?" I asked, not knowing anything about gamma radiation. I'm no scientist.

"Well yeah, but obviously nothing has worked," Bruce said before we all stopped at this big room. There was a big window on the wall that shows outside and how high up we were.

"Wow," I said, going up to the window and looking down.

"This place is cool," Steve said. He walked over to Nick and gave him ten dollars. I looked at him confused.

"Just a little bet we made. You must have missed that," Steve said with a shrug.

"Oh. Well, that's cool that you lost a bet," I joked. Steve rolled his eyes with a smile as he walked towards me and looked out the window as well.

"This place really is cool, though. I could get used to being here," Steve said. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Me, too. Anyway, is there a mission or something?" I asked, turning around to face Agent Coulson and Nick. There was also a woman who I hadn't noticed before.

"Not at the moment, but there might be soon. Right now we're trying to find the whereabouts of Loki. I'm Maria Hill, by the way," the woman said. I nodded to her as a way to greet her.

"Alright, sounds good. When will the other guys get here? Or is Tony the only one not here?" I asked.

"Stark is the only one not here. Of course other than Barton," Nick said. I nodded.

"Alright. Any idea when he'll be here?" Steve asked.

"I went to get him. Whether or not he comes is up to him, we can't exactly force him to come help us," Agent Coulson told us.

"Will I be doing any actual fighting? I'd prefer not to, because anytime I do someone dies," I explained.

"You won't have to unless you're absolutely needed," Nick told me. I smiled at him in thanks.

"The second mission you went on nobody died," Steve pointed out.

"Eh, we technically did," I said, waving him off. Steve just chuckled and turned to look towards a computer that started beeping.

"We found him! He's not exactly hiding," Maria said, leaning over to look. I walked over to take a look as well.

"Captain, you're up," Nick said. Steve nodded before being told where his uniform is.

"Good luck, Stevie," I called out as he left.

"Thanks!" I heard him call back. I went over to the computer to get a look at this Loki guy.

He definitely looks like trouble. I'm really hoping that Steve will be able to capture him and bring him here.

"So if Stevie is able to bring Loki here, where is he going to be kept?" I asked, looking over at Nick.

"We have a cell here that we can make fall out from the floor and way down onto the earth where he will be staying. It's made for much stronger persons than Loki," Nick explained. I nodded in understanding.

"So what do you want me to do?" Bruce asked.

"Natasha, could you show him to the lab?" Nick asked. Natasha nodded.

"Come on, doc, we've got a room full of your favorite toys," Natasha said as the two walked out. I looked around again.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"What did you do all those years ago when you went to the base for World War Two?" Nick asked.

"Nothing much. They just had me take notes during the meetings so that they wouldn't forget everything they said to have done. I then got a suit even though I didn't go out to perform on stage with Stevie and I didn't go on any missions until the last two," I explained.

"Well, I guess you can do whatever people need help with. Are you sure you won't be comfortable going on any missions?" Nick asked. I sighed.

"I'd really rather not. I don't want to lose anyone else. That seems to happen whenever I go on missions," I said, looking away from Nick and out the window.

"These people you're talking are the most powerful, strongest people on Earth. I don't think you'll be losing anyone," Nick said. I shrugged.

"I'll think about it," I told him. Nick nodded, knowing that's the only answer he'd be getting from me as of right now.

"Would you like to come with to get Loki? You won't have to fight," Natasha said when she got back.

"Sure. That way I can make sure Steve will be alright," I told her. Natasha nodded.

"We have a suit for you in case anything bad happens," Maria said.

"Okay. Nat, will you show me to it?" I asked. Natasha gave me a smile and nodded, telling me to follow her with a motion of her hand.

We walked down some halls, running into Steve as he walked out of a room in his new suit.

"Looks good, cap," I teased, still finding his suit funny. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well, Coulson said that we need old fashion right now. Besides, it's nice to have something from before the crash happened, especially my shield," Steve said, holding up said shield.

"Yeah, it's nice to see something of Howard's again," I said quietly. I wish I could go back to that cave to see if my stuff was still there.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked, changing the topic.

"Getting a suit on. I'm going with, but I'll be staying in the ship. I won't be fighting," I explained.

"Okay, just be careful alright?" Steve told me.

"I will," I told him, giving him a smile before going to get changed.

I hope nothing goes wrong.

Here's a new chapter! Sorry for the wait, I've been pretty busy. I've been writing this one chapter for however long it's been since I last updated lol. Probably a week. Anyway. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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