Chapter 9

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Hailey's P.O.V.

"Clint! You're back?" I said after I found everyone about to board the quinjet. Clint was there, which shocked me, because I thought Loki still had control over him.

"Yes! Nat here smacked my head on something and got Loki's power out of me," Clint said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, a smile on my face.

"It's so nice to have you back," I said as I pulled away. Clint smiled at me.

"Nothing could keep me away. Even if a snowplow ran me over," Clint said. I looked at him amused.

"That's kind of random," I said. Steve walked over after he saw I was there.

"So you decided to come on the mission?" Steve asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, I was overthinking a bunch like usual, and one thing I thought of is that if I don't go then something could've happened to you guys that I could have stopped, so yeah. I'm going," I explained. Steve chuckled, nodding his head.

"Well I'm glad you're coming. We can use all the help we can get," Steve said. I nodded and he led everyone onto the jet.

"So is there a plan, or are we just going for it?" I asked, looking around at the others as we took off.

"Well Tony went ahead to find Loki. He's convinced Bruce will end up coming back to help us. Nobody knows what happened to Thor," Steve explained. I frowned, wondering about Bruce and Thor. I hope nothing bad happened.

"So anything new with you since I was pretty much kidnapped?" Clint asked as we sat down next to each other.

"Not much. I went back to my old base to retrieve my stuff that I had hidden in a cave. My own stuff plus...someone very important to me's stuff," I said, quiet at the end. Clint nodded in understanding.

"Bucky, right? Or James?" He asked. I nodded, looking down at the ground.

"Yeah, that's him," I confirmed. Clint put his hand on mine.

"When we save the world, just know I'm here if you ever want to talk," Clint said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks, Clint. I really appreciate you," I said. I looked up and saw we still had a bit before arriving in the city.

"Hailey, I want you to stick by my side, okay? I don't want anything happening to you. If you go with someone else, let me know the exact place you'll be," Steve said, causing me to look at him.

"Okay. You've been so protective of me lately, Stevie," I said. Steve shrugged.

"I feel like I owe it to Bucky to protect you. Plus you're like a sister to me," Steve said. I smiled at him. Sometimes I forget I'm older than him but how he treats me, but I don't mind it.

"James would appreciate that," I told him. Steve nodded with a smile.

A few minutes later we finally made it to see a bunch of aliens coming from an opening in the sky.

"It's about time! Did you guys stop at a drive-thru or something?" Tony said, I had finally figured out that my earpiece was broken so I got a new one.

"Oh hush, Tony. I made a last minute decision to come," I said back, hearing Tony chuckle.

"Of course it was your fault, Summers. Just hurry over here," Tony said. I rolled my eyes as we prepared to land. Suddenly something was attacking us and soon we were crashing down.

"Quick, jump out!" Steve said, kicking the door open. We jumped out, luckily the jet didn't fall onto us. We started fighting all the weird alien things.

"My gosh, there's so many! There's still a bunch coming!" I exclaimed, looking around.

Turn invisible.

I could just sit here and watch everything and then join in when they need me.

They all continued fighting and then there seemed to be a little break. Thor joined in at some point. Then suddenly, Bruce comes riding his motorcycle.

"Stark- he's here," Steve said into the comms.

"Banner? Great. I'm bringing the party to you," Tony said back.

Turn visible.

"That's a party? Doesn't look like one to me," I said when I saw Tony bringing a very large centipede looking thing towards us. It flies and everything.

"Uh, Bruce, now seems like a good time to turn angry," Steve said. Bruce chuckled, turning to look at the big thing.

"That's the secret, Cap," Bruce said, starting to walk towards the centipede. "I'm always angry," Bruce turned to look at us before turning, changing into the Hulk and punching the centipede in the face, causing it to bunch up and die.

"Wow," I said in awe.

Hulk came back to us afterwards and we all stood in a circle, each facing different ways. It almost seemed like one of those slow motion scenes that are in superhero movies. I've watched a few since waking up in this time.

Steve started giving us all instructions, but I already knew what I was gonna do so I didn't pay much attention.

"...and Hulk...smash," Steve said, Hulk looking back at Steve with a grin before jumping away.

Turn invisible.

"Hailey? Where are you?" Steve asked.

"Right here," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"You can decide what you're gonna do," Steve said, knowing I hate fights.

"I'm just gonna watch and help when needed," I said. Steve chuckled and nodded.

"That's what I expected," Steve said.

He and Natasha went on fighting as I sat back and watched, prepared to join in anytime.


Here's a new chapter! I'm bad at writing fight scenes, so that's why Hailey isn't fighting 💀 I also write Hailey not paying attention or zoning out when I don't remember direct quotes from the movie and don't want to change what's said lol. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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