Chapter 12

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Hailey's P.O.V.

I wake up in my bed after hearing a loud bang. I get out of bed and move to my door, opening it quietly.

Become invisible.

I creep down the hallway of my apartment, going towards the living room where I find my door broken open. I hear someone in the kitchen, so I move over to the door to it. In the kitchen, I find a man with long, brown hair. He has a mask on the lower half of his face, not a normal mask. It kind of looks like it's plastic.

I look at where I saw a flash of light and my eyes widen when I see the man has a metal arm.

"Who are you?" I speak quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me. He looks towards me, confused when he doesn't see anyone. His steel blue eyes look around, trying to find who spoke. His eyes look familiar...

"Who's there?" He asks, his voice muffled a bit from the mask. I can't even tell what it actually sounds like.

"Tell me who you are, first," I demand as I walk further into the kitchen. The man looks around confused. I stop in front of him.

"I'm the Winter Soldier. Who and where are you?" The Winter Soldier asks. My eyes narrow at him. I reach up and take off the mask. I gasp when I see that it's-

"Hailey, wake up!" Steve's voice brings me out of my sleep. I wake up slowly, blinking as I try to wake myself up more. I'm on the couch in our living room.

"What time is it?" I ask tiredly. Steve looks at his watch before looking back at me.

"Almost midnight. I was out working out and when I got back you were asleep. Probably fell asleep watching that movie that's playing," Steve said as he moved some of my hair out of my face. I nod and sit up.

"Okay...I'm gonna go to bed, then," I say, yawning. Steve nods.

"You okay? You've looked upset in your sleep," Steve said. I look at him, remembering my dream. I shake my head.

"I must've just been having a nightmare. I'm fine, though. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I say, kissing Steve's cheek. Steve nods.

"Alright. See you tomorrow," Steve says, giving me a small smile. I smile back before going to my room.

I lock the door behind me and start pacing. That was James in my dream. He was the Winter Soldier. What could that have possibly meant?

I stand by my window and look outside. I know there's no way that dream was real. James is dead. He's not some metal armed soldier who broke into my apartment.

Movement. I look closer out my window. I saw somebody move on the roof outside my window. I gasp when a face pops up at the window. It's him...

It's James.'s just a look alike. I back away from the window, scared. I blink.

He's gone. Just in the blink of my eyes, he's gone.

I probably imagined it. Yes, that's what it was. It was my imagination. I'm tired, it's dark out, I just started hallucinating.

I get into my bed and lay down. I try to sleep, but every time I close my eyes I keep seeing James how I did in my dream.

He looked scared, almost as if he didn't want to be doing what he was doing.

I must just miss him so much that I'm having these weird dreams of him like this. I don't know. Maybe it's because I've been putting off going through my box and this is his way of telling me to do it tomorrow.

Maybe he's haunting me until I do it.

I make a mental note to tell Steve tomorrow that that's the day we have to go through the box whether he's ready or not.


Here's a new chapter! It's not as long as the others, but I didn't want to add more to this one. I wanted Bucky to have an appearance in this story. Originally it was going to be that Hailey saw him at the old base, but I decided against it and went with this! It'll eventually be able to lead us to the end of this book, and then I'll start my new one of Captain America: the Winter Soldier (except that I'll be changing Captain America to Invisagirl). Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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