Chapter 11

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Hailey's P.O.V.

We were all waiting for Loki to wake up. He had been knocked out because apparently Hulk smashed him against the ground repeatedly.

"Maybe he's dead," I say quietly as I look at Loki.

"Nah, he's breathing," Clint said as he kneels in the middle of the group, his bow and arrow pointed at Loki.

"I thought you used all your arrows, Clint," Steve states as he realizes that.

"I got another one," Clint said. Loki then started to wake up, not even looking scared when he looks at us.

"If it's still an offer, I'll take that drink," Loki says as he tried to look innocent. Tony smirks as we stand above him.

"Shut up, brother. We've got to get you home," Thor says as he steps towards Loki.

"Hold up now, shouldn't we do something about what just happened?" Tony asks, looking like he really wants to have a go at Loki.

"He'll be punished up in Asgard, don't worry," Thor says as he gives us a small smile. "Thank you for your help in getting my brother back. I'm very sorry for the damage he's done to your wonderful world."

"Of course, Thor. Thank you for helping us save our world from your brother," Steve says, always one to be polite.

"It's the least I could do. I hope to visit more often, hopefully in better circumstances," Thor says as he looks at all of us. 

"Okay, can we please just leave? You people make me sick," Loki says as he rolls his eyes.

"Hey shut up. If it weren't for you, you two would still be up in Asgard," I say as I glare at him. Loki smirks at me.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing. You got a boyfriend?" Loki asks. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Even though it's none of your business, yes. I do," I say, crossing my arms. Loki frowns.

"Lucky guy. Anyway, brother, shall we be off?" Loki asks.

"How do we get back?" Thor asks, looking to Tony and Bruce.

"We use the tesseract," Bruce says. He leads us to the roof where the tesseract still is. He puts it in some kind of glass case.

We soon find ourselves in the middle of a park, Loki handcuffed as he holds one end of the case.

"Thank you, again," Thor says as he smiles at us. I notice Loki staring at me and I shuffle closer to Steve uncomfortably.

Unfortunately because of that, I miss what the others said and soon Thor twists the case and the two shoot up into the sky.

"So...what are you all going to be doing now?" I ask as I look at the others. We all seem to be splitting up in two. Nat and Clint both leave together, Bruce and Tony both leave together. That leaves Steve and me.

"So glad they answered your question," Steve says jokingly. I playfully roll my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go," I say. We soon find ourselves in our apartment, my box from the 40s with us.

"So...this is a mix of both yours and Bucky's stuff?" Steve asks as his eyes never leave the closed box.  I hug myself as I wear James' favorite sweatshirt and play with his dog tags around my neck.

"Yeah. Also some of yours," I say quietly. Steve looks at me.

"You saved all of this stuff? How'd you know it'd still be there?" Steve asks in awe.

"I didn't. I just hoped. Natasha was nice enough to offer to bring me to our cave-"

"That's where you hid it?" Steve asks, his eyes widening. I nod with a soft smile. "Wow. Oh yeah, now that I think of it...wasn't I there when you caved it off?"

"I thought so. I'm pretty sure I did it after James..." I trail off, not wanting to finish the sentence. Steve nods sadly as he wraps an arm around me.

"It sucks we didn't get to mourn properly. We went straight into war after it happened, froze for almost 70 years, and then went right back into war again," Steve says softly as his thumb rubs my arm. I nod.

"I agree. I mean, it seems like he fell just last week, was almost 70 years ago," I say as I feel tears come to my eyes.

"When...when you told Loki you had a boyfriend..." Steve starts.

"I meant James," I confirm, nodding my head slowly. Steve nods.

"I thought so," Steve says quietly.

"So...wanna look through the box together?" I ask as I look at Steve. He sighs.

"I don't know if I can bring myself to just yet," Steve mumbles. I nod in understanding.

"I get it. I can put it away until you're ready if you'd like," I say softly. Steve looks to me.

"That'd be great, actually," Steve says quietly with a soft smile.

"Okay," I whisper, kissing his cheek before standing and putting the box in my room at the back of my closet.

I walk out into the living room where Steve still sits.

"What're you thinking about?" I ask quietly as I sit next to him.

"It's may sound lame...but I'm thinking about Peggy," Steve says quietly. I shake my head.

"That's not lame at all, Steve. She was the first girl to show a romantic interest in you," I say softly as I put my hand on his bicep and rub it gently with my thumb.

"Yeah...she was also my first kiss," Steve said. My eyes widen.

"You two kissed?" I ask and Steve blushes and nods.

"While we were going to the jet...we kissed," Steve said. I give him a small smile.

"I'm so happy for you, Steve. Yet so sad as well," I say softly.

"Thanks...I just wish I could see her again," Steve says. I nod.

We spend the next few hours talking about our past and what we miss.

Here's a new chapter! It's kinda fast paced. Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I've been busy with work and making sure to spend time with my friends. I hope everyone's summers are going great! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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