Chapter 10

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Hailey's P.O.V.

There were so many times during the fight where I was so scared for Steve. Natasha ended up jumping up with the help of Steve's shield to get onto one of the alien's flying motorcycle thing.

Every now and then I would see Hulk jumping from building to building, sometimes going on those centipede looking things and smashing. Sometimes it'd make me laugh to see him smile widely after smashing an alien or two.

"Hailey! Will you help me real quick?" Steve called out. I turned to see he was stuck under two aliens. I quickly ran at them and knocked them off of him, shooting one with its own weapon while Steve got the other.

"These things are ugly," I said as I stood over the one I killed and looked at it.

"Yeah. Well, thanks for the help. I'm gonna see if those cops over there can help save the civilians by bringing them somewhere else," Steve said, running to the cops before I could say anything else.

I shrugged and turned around to see an alien running straight at me. I quickly ran to the right before seeing the alien still come after me.

"What the heck," I muttered as it swung at me. I quickly ducked and ran to a destroyed car.

The alien still came after me. How can it see me?

"Steve?" I asked into the comms.

"What is it?" Steve asked me.

"This alien can see me," I said, punching the alien once it got to me.

"What? How is that possible?" Steve asked. I sighed as I finally killed the alien.

"I have no idea, Steve. Maybe Tony will be able to figure it out, or Bruce," I said. I looked in the mirror of the car I was next to to make sure I was still invisible, and I am.

"Talk to them after this, we can't stop what we're doing to figure it out. Until then, help us fight!" Steve said, his Captain voice coming out.

"Okay, fine," I said as I walked away from my little hiding spot. There were about three aliens where I was and they all turned and looked at me at the same time.

Soon they were all charging at me and I used the training I had gone through to fight them. I was able to kill one when a second one grabbed me from behind. I quickly elbowed it and it let me go. I grabbed the blaster from the dead one and quickly shot the second one, killing it. Then I faced the last one and shot it as well, killing it.

"I can close it!" Natasha said into the comms. I looked up at Stark tower, which now only had the "A" left on the sign, to see Natasha with Loki's staff.

"Do it!" Steve said. He had somehow got next to me with Thor.

"No! Wait! Don't close it!" Tony said into the comms.

"Why not?" Steve asked, confused.

"I have this bomb that I need to get rid of. I know exactly where to put it," Tony responded. I was confused at first until I saw him flying with this giant bullet looking thing. He suddenly flew upwards with it towards the entry to Thor's world.

"Wait, no! He may not come back from that!" I said, understanding what Tony was going to do.

"I have to, it's the only way to save our people!" Tony said. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about how we might lose someone.

"There must be a better way!" I said, but Steve just shushed me and held me.

"Let him do what he wants, Hailey. It'll be okay," Steve said.

Soon we could no longer see Tony. He wasn't coming back.

"What should I do? Wait for him?" Natasha asked through the comms. Steve put a hand to his ear.

"Close it," Steve said.

Turn visible.

I looked up at Steve with a mad look.

"Close it? Tony is still up there! We have to wait for him!" I exclaimed, but it was too late. Natasha closed it.

Just as it was almost fully closed, something fell out of it.

"Son of a gun," Steve said with a smile as we realized it was Tony.

"He's not slowing down," I noticed.

"I'll get him," Thor said, swinging his hammer. Before he could fly up to get Tony, though, Hulk yelled and jumped from the building he was on, smashing into the other one with Tony in his hands.

"Yes, Hulk!" I exclaimed as he jumped down to where we were and threw Tony onto the ground. Thor broke the face of Iron Man off and there he was, Tony.

"How do we wake him up?" Thor asked. We were just sitting there when Hulk got mad and yelled at Tony, causing him to shoot awake.

"What happened? Is it over? Did we win? Please tell me nobody kissed me," Tony said, Steve looking down as he laughed.

"Gosh, Tony, don't scare me like that!" I said, kicking the dirt.

"Sorry. Hey, there's this new shawarma place that I've been wanting to try," Tony said.

"It's not over yet," Thor said, looking towards Stark tower.

"Oh, I didn't even realize all the aliens and things shut down when the portal closed," I said, looking around.

"Yeah, you were pretty focused on worrying about Tony to notice," Steve said. We all made our way to Stark tower to see what was going on. On our way, Clint joined us. Natasha was already in the tower.

Here's a new chapter! It's almost to the end of the movie this is based off of. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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