Chapter 1

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Pierces pov:

Why can't she realize that I'm not into her in that way? I've even told her that I only view her as a friend but it seems to go right out the other ear. Now she told my parents that she loves me.... I can't take this anymore. I need to stop this!

I run my fingers though my hair. I should be doing my homework but I'm stressing about Marianna.... Why is this so hard!?

Maybe...... wait, would that be to far?.... She'll get off my back though.... No, we can always stop, he owes me anyways.

I'm going to ask Ein to quote in quote date me. Not because I love him, I am in fact, crushing on Kim currently.

I got him gold before because he was afraid to fall in lava, he told me he would owe me. I even recorded him saying it so that he won't "forget" about it again.

This will be awkward but he's my buddy! He will have my back! Especially since he owes me.

I smile happily. I am smart sometimes! In your face Zane!

Also, I think we would only need to fake date for like 2 weeks. Another of my friends has a major crush on Marianna, I plan to get them together. Then she'll leave me alone! Problem solved!

I put both my fists up into the air.

Scratch being smart sometimes, I'm a genus!

My phones alarm clock blasts and I realize two hours already have passed. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes and I only touched math.... I'm in for a long night....

After 30 minutes....

My 2nd timer alarms, signaling dinner time. I get up and head downstairs.

My mom is dishing everything out, giving me a warm smile once see notices me.

"Pierce? Do you think you can get Paxton? He was taking a nap" she asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be back." I say heading back upstairs to Paxtons room. I knock on his door.

Paxton opens his door looking sleepy. He says a simple, "what." Seeming annoyed.

"Dinners ready..." I say to him, he nods in acknowledgment. I leave at that. When Paxton is sleepy, he is grouchy. I don't want to deal with a grouchy Paxton right now.

I get back to the table, mother and father are talking about work. Paxton comes down stairs a few minutes later. We are having lasagna tonight.

Then mother asks me that stupid question.

"Pierce? Marianna mentioned having an interest in you.... Are you two going out?" She asks carefully, in order not to embarrass me.

"No." I say annoyed.

My father gives me a look to continue. He never likes it when people answer something without elaborating somewhat. It's a pet peeve of his.

"No, I don't like her. Never will." I answered, my mother seems concerned.

"Did something happen? You can tell us if so, we will always be here for you..." She says to me.

I shake my head and finish the food in my mouth before speaking again, "she won't stop saying things like, your so handsome! Omg your eyes are beautiful! We should definitely marry one day! " I mimic her voice.

"So? She likes you Pierce! You should at least give it a shot!" My dad says happily.

I want to vomit. Instead, Paxton starts telling about his day at school.

I'm going to ask Ein tomorrow.... After school, we head to the server and hang out. It's always fun. We have our houses that the school funds us. Yes the school, Aaron's parents set it up somehow. Not sure how.

I finish my food, do my homework then go to bed.

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