Chapter 8

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I wake up in a cold sweat... I had a nightmare...

Tears rapidly fall down my face, I know it wasn't real but god...

...Why am I sitting on my desk.....?


Shit!! I forgot to do my homework!! I got so caught up in the conversation last night that when I got upstairs, I just went out like a light bulb! Damn it!

I look at the time on my phone.... Or at least try to, it's dead.

I look over to my alarm clock that sits on the table besides my bed.

4:19 am

How the hell..... I guess the nightmare got me up way to early-

(What time does school start for you guys? I want to make this more realistic but I'm homeschooled so idk 😭)

Maybe doing it now will help me get rid of the shaking feeling of my best friends death..

Few hours later...

My alarm clock blasts... I blink and realize I fell back asleep..

I got finished with History and Science.... But I'm guessing Math and English were to boring last night that my brain shut off...

I'll try and bait Ein into letting me copy his homework... He's not good at English though.... Like at all... It's better than getting a zero though!

Ein has trouble reading and writing.. I'm not sure why that is.

(Random head cannon: Ein has dyslexia)

I get off my ass and dress myself... it's day 2 of us being together... What can I do today?..

Flirt more?

Maybe kiss-
NO. STOP BRAIN... That'll come eventually! No need to rush this! It's all fake anyways, I don't have any feelings for my buddy!

I grab my homework and rush downstairs to get breakfast... hopefully my mom won't bring up the conversation last night.... I don't need more teasing about this relationship, I already said it was fake!

I make my way to the kitchen to see my mom stuffing her face with food.

Her eyes widen when she sees me and she quickly swallows.

"Pierce! I have something for you and your boyfriend!" She says scrambling to her feet.

"Mama! Its not real!" I whine but my mom ignores me and pulls out a lunch bin.

"I packed two mutton sandwiches!" She says handing it to me....

"REALLY?!?!" I shout, I love mutton.

She nods and continues, "one for your boyfriend~ say hi for me~"

My cheeks feel hot.... I'm talking about my face cheeks by the way! Not my ass cheeks! (No one was thinking that, pierce.)

"I-I need to go- bye!" I say rushing out the door with the image of my mothers smirk implanted in my brain.

She acts a lot like kc when it comes to crushes..... wait- I don't have a crush on Ein-

I shake my head..

Maybe I could use the sandwiches as a way to trick Marianna and Aph?...

It'll work more if I feed him.... I'm doing it. I've made up my mind, I'm feeding my best friend today.

He will eat it or I will do unimaginable things to him!....


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