Chapter 9

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I finally arrive on the bus and am happy to see Ein is sitting alone... Seeing his face intensity brings back that feeling I had last night.... Though.... I still don't know what that feeling is...

I sit next to him. "Hey love!" I shout out causing him to jump.

"SHHH-" he says in a small voice.

I give him a slight smile... Ein always seems to be more anxious in the morning...

He looks at me funny.... "What?" I ask.

"You look nice with your hair down..." he mumbles looking at me.... My hair is down? I feel my hair... I forgot to put it up- well...if Ein thinks it looks nice then I believe him.

I look back at him, "You look nice in general" I say and he smiles softly... he must be very tired... Ein acts a little off when he's sleepy.....

It's kind of.... What's the word..... cute?.....

......I mean, yeah. Eins cute... that doesn't mean I like him... I can think my best friend is cute! Right?


My face cheeks feel hot again... they get even hotter when Ein lays his head on my shoulder suddenly.

"Eh... Bud-love I mean?..." I say.... He fell asleep-

How can someone fall asleep on a bus as shaky as this?..... I stare at him....

He is cute.... There's nothing wrong with thinking that about him.... I have the freedom to think about whatever I please!

I feel a tapping on my shoulder, I look over to see.... Marianna.... Damn what is it now...

".....uhm... Pierce....? Maybe move him off of you. It's sickening seeing you two be so close... I know your dating but please..... " She says to me...

Heck you Mari! And yes I said heck.... I won't fuck Mari even with a gun to my head... she nasty.

"No. He's my boyfriend, I can be as close to him as I please" I say irritated.

"But I thought you liked me?! I thought we were friends! Don't you care about me?!" She shouts....

Aphmau actually gets up and intervenes.

"Mari, let them be.....Chris wants to ask you something" she says

Mari shuts up.

"Fine, Pierce can have his stupid little boyfriend and ignore me! He likes him more then me! And it hurts!" She says walking to Chris...

....Am I doing the wrong thing.....? Should I have given Mari a chance?.... I don't like her though... I would much rather actually date Ein than her....

Why am I the bad guy.....

Aphmau gives me a sad look.

"Ignore her... Sees a little bit to uh....obsessed with you.... Besides... I think you two are cute together" she says smiling at me.....

She thinks we're cute together?... but I'm trying to make her jealous of us...

Doesn't matter now... Ein is mine currently and I will not let Mari take that away from me...

Wait... mine?...

I push away that thought and look at Aphmau, " Thanks aph..." I say

She smiles warmly at me... then takes out her phone and takes a pic of us...

"Kc was asking me to take a picture of you two together so she can make another shipping  shrine." She says walking back to her seat...

Wow... Aphmau is helping contribute to the very thing she was embarrassed at when it was about Aaron and her.

Though.... I kind of want that picture...

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