Chapter 7

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"Well Uhm... k-kind of-?" I say wondering how to explain this... he probably won't like the reason....

My dad sits silently in order for me to finish.

"We are uhm... kind of, like it's temporary- He uh.... Has a crush on someone and I'm trying to help him by doing this?" I say trying to explain.

My father nods to tell me to carry on.

"It works for me cause I don't have to worry about Mari all in my business..." I say

"She's in your business? What do you mean?.." he asks

"Like, I don't know... to close to me and wanting to know everything.... I don't like it..." I explained.

"Did you ask this boy to do it with your or did he ask you?" My dad asks

Do it??? What does he mean by do it? We didn't do it! I like Kim!

Oh... he means ask I'm guessing...

"I uh... asked-" I say

He nods and seems to be thinking it over... I hope he doesn't tell mom... mom will go crazy and wanna meet Ein even if she knows it's fake an-

" I'll have to tell your mother, I won't keep secrets from her.." he says completely ruining the calmness I was starting to feel...

There's no arguing with my father. I mean, I could but I'm just lazy. I don't want to to get in an argument about this subject either, it's a little embarrassing....

"Well... who's the lucky guy?" He questions.

"It's not really a real relationship daddy... we're just pretending" I say awkwardly

He nods and responds, " Well still, he's lucky to have you as a pretend boyfriend....Now what's his name? Do I know him?"

Yeah Ein is lucky. Who would wanna resist me?... maybe that's the problem....

"His name is Ein... You've heard of him.... I've mentioned him before..." I say a little embarrassed.

"Oh? Isn't that your best friend?" My dad asks, I nod.

"Are you two just using the label or are you going to go into this.... Quote in quote relationship.... Deeper? I would like to meet this boy..."  he says

Deeper?.... What does he mean? And I guess my parents could meet Ein, there's no harm in it.

"What do you mean by deeper?" I ask confused

"Oh... you know.... Like... well, you should ask your mother..." he says awkwardly

"Mommy? Okay..." I say looking out the window, we are almost home.

Does he mean kissing?.... I wouldn't mind kissing Ein.... Honestly I bet Eins lips are soft.. and his hair... he just seems... soft?... How can I describe it?... i don't know what the word would be.

I could squeeze him.... God,  I want to squeeze him.... Really badly.... What is going on with me?....

My cheeks feel hot...  that's weird.... I feel weird...

Todays been a long day.... I'm looking forward to closing my eyes... maybe in the morning I'll remember the word that describes Ein.

God that's going to bother me all night....

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