Chapter 10

557 13 35

Eins pov:

I sluggishly open my eyes from the feeling of being shaked...I look at the culprit to identify who awoken me.

It was Pierce.... I'm laying on him...

I quick move my head feeling my cheeks become warm once again.

"Sorry-" I say awkwardly scooting away from his presence.

He just smiles until I realize we have to get off the bus... Did I fall asleep for that long?....

Pierce stands up and offers me his hand.... Why is being so weird-

oh... I almost forgot we are "dating".

My cheeks feel warm as I take his hand. Once I'm on my feet I simply forget to let go as I slide my backpack back. He doesn't let go either...

Once I'm finish, Pierce leads me out the bus. The bus person side eyes us. (BoMbAsTiC sIdE EyE) But he doesn't say anything....

I feel like everyone's watching.... I don't like this feeling....  I know I'm Ein, I crave attention right?.... But that's only sometimes! Right now I feel embarrassed or something... I don't like it!

Eventually we get to class.... But Pierce isn't sitting down-

"What are doing?" I ask him weirded out.

He looks at me for a bit then smirks slightly.

He puts his hand up revealing our hands holding one another and says, "I would sit down but I'm occupied currently"

My face flushes once again and I let go, "sorry..." I mumble sitting down.

Pierce sits on my desk.

"Get off-" I start to say but pierce interrupts me.

"My parents wanna meet you" he says looking at me... Is this part of the plan?... Cause I don't think I really thought this though enough when I agreed...

"Your parents?" I ask and he nods.

"Someone....." he glares at Marianna who is in a conversation with a friend of hers, "told my parents and now they wanna meet my uhm.... Boyfriend..."

Well damn, I keep understanding more and more of pierces situation.

"....when?" I question realizing that I need to plan this in such a way that I won't get beaten up before going.

"Uhm, maybe instead of going to the hub today?... Then we can get it over with.... I already informed them about uh....why we are... you know... but they are insistent- so like-" Pierce says scratching his neck.

I guess today would work since he didn't really hit me as much as he usual does... meaning I shouldn't be limping or anything....

I nod and pierce gives me an awkward smile.

"Thanks blueberry!..." he says heading to his seat....

Okay... I am not a damn blue berry.... Where the fuck did he get that from-? So what if I dress in a lot of dark blue.... So what if I died my hair that color and whenever I have to pick a color I pick blue...Okay.... I actually see the nickname now...

Our teacher comes in and starts teaching class.... I really should focus.... But of course I can't read even if I wanted to.

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