New place

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The smell of the beach invaded my nostrils, the waves calming my nerves .The water looked beautiful and clear , the seagulls flying over the water singing slowly to each other .

The sand on my feet it's big piles of small cubes hugging my feet and comforting my tired and sore broken sole And yeah sure, the sand wedges itself up into my toenails,, and coats the bottom of my feet like butter on toast.

Yeah it's just like Heaven.

"Aria." I opened my eyes and suddenly I was back in my classroom. I fell asleep again during my free period .

"How long was I out? "I asked Clarissa, my best friend who always seems to save me while I was drifting away .

"40 minutes ." She tells me putting a coffee on my desk in front of me .

And that's why I love her .

"At least you rest ,you haven't slept well in weeks .Have you even looked for an apartment yet?" She asked me ,I've been living in my car for a month now.

Claire had offered me to stay with her but I didn't want to for the simple reason that I knew my ex would go looking for me there and I didn't feel like seeing him, not even after two years .

The reason I was living in my car was because my last apartment where I trusted my roommate to pay the rent and the bills while I was busy working or at school meetings.

She wasn't actually paying anything, she was keeping the money for herself and I never noticed that because I was always too fucking busy working and I trusted her .

Until one afternoon that I got home and there was a notice in the front of the door that I had a week to get out .

But when I tried to open the door with my key, the key wouldn't fit .

I knocked on the door but nothing, then I went downstairs to the main office and they gave me my bags with my clothes ,makeup ,shoes ,jewelry ,purses while my roommate stayed with everything else I own .

My luck.

"Yeah I'm looking at one today after work ." I tell her taking sips of my hot coffee to wake me up .

"Just one more class Aria." Claire tells me walking out of my classroom to her classroom that was next to mine .

We were both high school English teachers.

The bell rang signaling my next class was about to start and the students would be coming in in less than 5 minutes so I got ready for my last class of the day ..

The whole week I've been to so many apartments that I lost count  and nothing was of my liking some where too expensive some where to fancy .

Some didn't allow pets ,well I didn't have pets. What if I wanted one?

And now here I was in my last apartment of the week. I was outside the last apartment with my realtor looking through my phone while Diana kept talking about how amazing the apartment was . I was about to give up .
When I saw a post on the marketplace on facebook of an apartment for rent at a cheap price .

I told Diana my realtor thank you and left her there and called the number .

That's how I ended up here parked outside the apartment complex. It was close to downtown Hawkins and I liked that it was close to all the stores and restaurants because I never had time to cook so it was better for me .

The apartment was actually upstairs a coffee shop and it had its own entrance through the side .

That's at least what the ad said .

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