Cant help falling in love

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"Ari."It hit Eddie like a punch in the gut.All those memories coming back to him hitting him all at once made Eddie feel like he hadn't seen Aria for so long it felt like it had been years but it only was 6 months .

6 torturous months for Aria.

Aria didn't have time to process what was happening right now because Eddie Didn't even let her process what was going on because Eddie cupped her face and crashed his lips on hers like a starving man.

He did something he had been wanting to do for the longest time .He felt he was in one of those cheesy movies where the kiss makes the girl lift up her leg .

That's how Eddie felt .

Aria didn't know what was going on.She couldn't understand, She couldn't process anything right now her mind had gone in override.In her head this was just another one of her dreams,it wasn't until she felt Eddie brushed his tongue on the bottom of her lip asking her for permission to let him in, then she knew it wasn't a dream because she could actually feel him and in her dreams she never could and of course she let him without a doubt.Because she was also starving for him.Craving for his touch.It was just how she imagined probably even better.

Arias' hands flew around his neck, holding him tight not wanting to let him go, afraid that if she did she would wake up and it was all a dream.She didnt care if she wasn't able to breathe, at least at the end she got to feel Eddie's lips on her for the first time ever..

In her Tomb you could write "Die for loss of breath by kissing the man she loved."

Eddie was the one to pull away first resting his head on hers .Aria whined by the loss of Eddie's lips on hers she didn't want this stop .But she knew they had to breathe.Aria kept her eyes closed; she didn't want to open them; she didn't want to wake up from whatever dream she was in.

She wanted to stay in this dream forever.

"Sweetheart."Eddie whisper

"Hmm.' was all Aria's answer...It was the first time hearing Eddie's voice after so many months.

"Open your eyes please."he begged ,he wanted to see those eyes he loved and missed all these months.He felt awful he had forgotten about her but he had no idea that was going to happen.How could he have known.That as soon as he went into his body he would lose all the memories of the girl he fell in love with.

The girl who made him believe in love again, the girl who made him forget about Chrissy completely.

Aria shook her head no she didn't want to open them and then for eddie to disappear in a blink of an eye.

"I'm afraid you be gone."she feels the tears coming once again. That's all she has done lately, cry and cry until she wasn't able to anymore or until she fell asleep and dream of Eddie.

"I'm not i promised."he coo,and he planned on keeping his promise he was never letting go of Aria now that he had her once again in his arms.

But he also didn't want to scare her.So if Aria wanted to take things slow he would respect her decision ,But he wondered how slow she would want to take things .Yes that small perv side of Eddie was still there of ghost Eddie,but he respects Aria more than anything.

"Promise.'' She asked again, she wanted Eddie to reassure her he wasn't leaving anywhere.She didn't want her heart to break again she couldn't deal with not having Eddie anymore,if eddie would ask her this moment to move in with him she wouldn't even think about it she would do it.But she didn't want to scare Eddie i mean he just got his memory back he probably wanted to take things slow.But how slow Aria wondered.

Eddie grabbed Aria's hands and placed them on his heart."You feel that?"he asked

"Hmpm"she hum.Eddies heartbeat under her palm was something she never expected to feel.

"I'm here, I'm really here."Eddie's heart was beating 100 mph right now he never thought that he could feel all these feelings at the same time and in one day they came crashing back to him like a meteor shower.

Aria opened one eye slowly and saw Eddie smiling at her "hi"he said softly then she slowly opened her other eye .She then realized she had both eyes open and Eddie was still here holding her hands.and smiling at her with that stupid smile she loves.

The biggest smile grew on her face the instant she saw her metalhead, the one she thought she had lost forever and only lived in her dreams.But he was real and he was standing here holding her hands.

She was able to feel his hands and the heat of his body.

"There she is."eddie gave her a big toothy grin

"You're real?"She touched his face, his eyebrows, his hair, his arms and finally she felt his heartbeat once again making sure it was still was beating at a normal pace.Eddie was actually standing here with her.

"You remember me?"she asked Eddie

"Yes"he nodded."I'm sorry I couldn't remember you sweetheart I'm sorry."Eddie cried feeling awful .He cupped her face pecking her lips then peppered her face with kisses .He wanted to make it up to her he wanted to show her how much she meant to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Ed's."Aria pecked his lips and yes she was heartbroken but she knew it wasn't Eddie's fault.Sometimes she told herself that she imagined everything and she thought she actually saw Eddie that he was never actually there,So she could stop the pain but it never worked because she knew damn well everything was real.

Eddie was real.

Dustin and the gang were watching everything from afar. Robin.claire suzy and nancy crying the boys with big smiles on there faces finally happy to see their friend happy with someone that truly cares for him.

They still didn't understand how they had met before anything happen and why hadn't Eddie told him anything.Gareth was the most that was confused because he kissed Aria without knowing she was Eddie's girl the guilt had killed him all this months and he knew he had to talked to Eddie about it .Only if he knew Eddie knew all about that incident and he did get jealous and wanted to murder Gareth but back then he couldn't have done anything because Aria's wasn't his,but now if Gareth tried to put a move on her he would definitely kick his ass.

Plus Eddie felt a little bit jealous, well not a little bit but a huge amount of jealousy because Gareth got to kiss her first than Eddie.Got to feel her body and it drove Eddie crazy but right now it wasn't the moment for that because he finally had her back and that's all it matter .

Eddie and Aria were too lost on each other to realize they were being stared at; they couldn't care less because they were finally together.

"I saw you when you went to go see me. When they disconnected me I was right next to you with my hand on your shoulder."Eddie told Aria his face was so close to hers than when he spoke his lips brushed her lips.

Aria's eyes were glued to Eddie's the whole time he was talking; she couldn't believe he was actually standing here holding her close to him .

"I-i know somehow i felt you."eddie smiled and pecked her lips he couldn't stop kissing her it was something he always wanted to do before but he wasn't able to but now that he is able he was going to kiss her as many times he could just to feel those lips on his.

"D-do you want to go somewhere more private?"Eddie asked, feeling super nervous he didn't want Aria to think he just wanted to get in her pants but he realized everyone was staring at them.

"Take me out for Dinner first Munson."she joked making Eddie blushed

"Shut up, perv."he joked and once again pecked her lips.

Eddie took Aria's hand and turn to look back at his friends.He knew they had something to do with this he knew they had something to do with the playlist playing right now because he would never played Elvis in his coffee shop /record store /karaoke bar.

And he was glad they did.

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