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Today is the 2nd day of spring break and here I am stuck in my apartment. I mean I could be anywhere I want because im a fucking ghost or a spirit or whatever the fuck iam.but here I am hiding from Aria in the secret room in the closet where my sweetheart is resting the last place i left her before i did whatever the fuck i did that cause for me to be fucking ghost .

Well there's a reason why I'm hiding here. I wanted Ari to find my sweetheart and put her on her stand where she belongs next to my bed, not here hiding behind these four small walls that must be suffocating her. I mean it is not like she is alive i mean she is a guitar Jesus Christ.
But i know i would be suffocating if i was stuck here for so long two years to be exact and no one has found her,Well that was the whole point why i made this room to hide important stuff in case someone broke in.

But that never happened.

I just want Ari to find my sweetheart and get her out of here because it's still really hard for me to pick up bigger things.Plus i I really do trust Aria and I know she will take care of my sweetheart.
I just wish I could wake up from that stupid coma that I got myself in..

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever wake up .
I really hope I do .

But then again what if i don't ever wake up.

"Eddie." I heard Ari's steps close to where I was.
Her steps were getting closer and closer and I wanted to jump out and scare her .I was tempted to trust me.

But I had to wait till she was closer.

"Eddie is not fair because you can disappear and move to a different place !" she whine
Her voice sounded closer this time as she was in the closet already.

So that was my queue. I jumped out to scare her but didn't know she was already in front of the door where my sweetheart was and went straight through her .

That was something I wasn't expecting.
But it happened.

Suddenly Images of Ari's memories flash through my mind as if I was in her head. Everything happens  in a matter of a few seconds. It was a memory between her and Jason. Memories that were private that I shouldn't have seen but I did.It was of Them together on dates, intimate memories as well that was something I didn't want to see. Then it was the memories of them there last year together. He always made excuses to leave and meet up with Chrissy. Somehow Ari knew but she never said anything because she thought she was just being a jealous girlfriend. A toxic girlfriend like Jason called her and like Chrissy called me too. Suddenly I felt like crying , a sharp pain in my chest not like a heart attack but the same pain I felt when Chrissy cheated on me .

From Ari's eyes I saw her standing on the back of the church hiding on the back of the Pillar of white flowers looking at Jason and Chrissy standing in front of the altar saying their vows. When the priest said if there was anyone in the crowd who had a reason for them not to get married for them to talk now.But Ari turned around walking away bumping into someone.
She didn't see who it was because her eyes were glued to the ground not wanting anyone to see her crying but those shoes and that chain on the jeans of the person,that was me she bumped into before I went inside making a scene .

"Y-you were there?" We both spun around at the same time pointing at each other Ari's eyes red and tears trickling down her cheeks .

"I-I saw how y-you.." she couldn't finish the sentence and dropped to her knees .

"You saw what ?" I asked, kneeling down in front of her trying to grab her face in my hands but I Couldn't.I really wished I could cup her face, feel her warm cheeks on the palm of my hands, wipe those tears away Make her feel better.

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