Everybody hurts

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Play "Everybody hurts ." To get in the mood Song on top....

After two weeks Eddie was released from the hospital with the conditions that he had to move in with his uncle Wayne for the time being.He still needed a lot of help and therapy helping him to be able to walk again and move his hands again.THat really frustrated him not being able to play his guitar.He was surprised when they told him he was in a coma for two years .

He still didn't remember Aria even though Dustin would talk to him about he he would tell him everything Aria would tell him, he still didn't know who she was or how he met her.Eddie tried his best to remember her but he just couldn',it was so damn hard at the moment with everything that he was going through.Dustin told him so many good things about Aria ,how she was always there for him listening to him and how she love the closet she made.BUt he didn't remember anything.

As the summer passed Dustin stopped talking about Aria letting Eddie remember by himself.He didn't want to keep on stressing him out.He really had faith Eddie would remember on his own.

He Let him take his time and hopefully he wouldn't take too much because it hurt Dustin how sad Aria was.He knew She would still go to the coffee shop
To see Eddie without him Knowing.

And that broke Dustin's heart.

Dustin would spend as much time with her and Eddie especially Aria trying to make her feel better at least smile because she had stopped smiling. It was as if she was a body without a soul walking around without feelings and when she felt something her body wouldn't take it well and it worried him a lot .

Aria had gone into depression and Claire ,Gareth and him had encouraged her to see a psychologist to help her out but the only thing that helped was the medication that made her feel numb for a few hours.

Aria went to work, did her job then went back home, shower, slept and sometimes she would eat is like she was giving up in life.

She had lost so much weight in a matter of time and she didn't care.She blocked everyone out even her best friend Claire who would hear her cry herself to sleep.

Claire told Dustin it was worse than when she broke up with Jason and it hurt to see her best friend like this giving up on life.

Dustin and the gang invited Aria out every weekend but she always declined. She had to grade papers when summer came she left suddenly to Texas saying she needed to be far away from Hawkins.

Nobody heard from her the whole summer, not even Claire, who was her best friend.

Dustin and claire would call her mom to talk to her but her mom would tell her she was locked in her old room not wanting to talk to anyone she was barely eating.Her mom was worried and didn't know what was wrong with her daughter .SHe tried talking to her but Aria would just cry until she fell asleep.

When summer ended Aria felt a little bit better at least that's what she told herself,she drove back to Hawkins to start school again as a teacher and went back to her routine of buying coffee every morning to see Eddie from afar.

Eddie was able to moved back to his apartment in september and go back to work in his coffee shop/record shop where he felt happy to be.He was finally able to walk and move his hands he wasn't 100 percent better but he was getting there his fingers still would tremble when he tried to play guitar but it was better than before at least at the moment he was actually able to play a song and recognized it before it would sound like a little kid playing.One day Chrissy and Jason passed by the coffee shop with a baby in a stroller and he didnt feel anything he was happy for her , He wasn't sad about chrissy anymore she didn't even go through his head but there was a girl without a face in his dreams, he has been having dreams about a girl a faceless girl every night he close his eyes, he would see her but when he woke up he couldn't remember her face.

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