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It's been 3 months since I've seen Eddie. I've tried calling his name. I've even slept naked once or twice and he never appeared again .

Maybe he went into the light already .

Maybe he was finally at peace .

I've been talking to Dustin more and he has been telling me more about Eddie and how he was before anything happened .

I haven't asked him what happened to him,I don't have the courage to do so .

I really want to know what happened. Maybe tonight I can ask him .

Today he was coming over i had invited him and his wife  to come over and hang out,
At first he didn't say anything but he eventually agreed .He said he hadn't been to Eddie's apartment since the accident .

I was getting ready for when Dustin and his wife got here.He call me saying he was  bringing over some pictures of Eddie and some videos of them together playing D&D.

I was doing my makeup when from peripheral I saw Eddie sitting down in the bed .

I was sitting down on the bench of my vanity doing my makeup upstairs .

"You know you don't really need makeup ." He tells me playing with a squish mellow I had on my bed .

"Eddie !!" I got up from the bench and made a beeline to my bed sitting down next to him .I wanted to hug him but I knew I couldn't I know I would go right through him.

"Hey ." He smiles shyly "I see you like the Vanity." He tells me pointing to the vanity .

"Yes ,I saw it outside in the storage room and Steve said I could have it and fix it ." I tell him proudly 

"I'm glad you like it ." He look down at the squish mellow then at me."I-I made it for Chrissy and she didn't like it because I forgot to put the light bulbs on and it wasn't the white she wanted .

"Well I love it Eddie. I actually ordered some lights and put them on myself and it looks amazing ,you did an amazing job ."I tell him .

How can someone not like what her boyfriend made for them .

I was starting not to like that chrissy girl at all and I didn't even know her .

"I'm glad you did ." I noticed he blushed and covered his face with his hands discreetly.

"So Where have you been ?" I asked him, trying to change the subject. I honestly didn't feel like talking about her ex or my ex's new wife.

"Around ,in the coffee shop at my uncles ."

"Why did you disappear on me?"

"I didn't want to be a burden ."

"I actually missed you popping around out of nowhere ." I chuckled

"I-I been here ." He says softly

"You have ?"

"Yeah ,you know you snore ." He chuckles

"No I don't !!"I laughed

"Yes ,you doo!!" He lays back down in my bed hugging the squishmellow pretending to be sleeping and pretends to snore loudly .

"That's how you sound ." He opens one eye

"No ,I don't ." I laughed, throwing a pillow at him that went stray through him .

"Ha." He says and throws the squish mellow at me hitting my face .

"Eddie !!" I squeal

"Ok I'll stop ."he puts his hands on the back of his head and looks up to the ceiling ",sorry I disappear on you." He looked at me and smiled.

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