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The first day of Spring break starts today and I have nothing planned for the whole week other than to stay home watch movies,get drunk and cry while drinking and Eddie is probably going to be making fun of me the whole time and probably make have something to say about the movie choice I had for the day .

Talking about Eddie, where is he?

Haven't seen him since this morning. I woke up to him watching me sleep then he disappeared when he saw that i open my eyes .He was laying next to me and as soon as he saw that I saw him he dispersed into thin air .

To be honest I didn't find it creepy at all .
I know I should but the poor guy has nothing to do and he can't sleep. I would have done the same thing if I was a ghost in a coma .

I wonder how Eddie does that ?
Being in a coma then being a ghost is so confusing or maybe I'm just seeing things that aren't really there and Eddie is just a figment of my imagination.

Or maybe I'm crying thinking I'm talking to a metalhead, a really hot metalhead.
But I mean I see him. I talk about myself. He tells me about himself .How could I be crazy and actually finding out everything he tells me its truth.Aaaahh I'm getting a migraine just thinking about it .

Maybe I just imagined everything .

I can't deal with this right now. I need to take some pills for this awful headache .

I head over to the kitchen to take some tylenol and like i have nothing to do
Today or tomorrow or the next .Wow, I have a boring life . I might as well do laundry and change the sheets from my bed and clean the apartment now that i have time and maybe order some chinese later,
Uuuu chicken fried rice and some jalapeno chicken yup that's what i'll order and maybe some sushi and two of those triangle sushi looking things.

Before starting cleaning I headed downstairs to grab some breakfast and a coffee then headed back to the apartment to eat my breakfast then clean .

And that's what i did,
i put the laundry in the washer and while it was washing i decided to clean my closet that it had a mess and so i did i ended up putting all my clothes by color like black with black pink with pink dresses with dresses you get the idea of what i did and when i was done I started on the living room to sweep and mop but first i connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker i mean you need music while cleaning if not it gets boring.i put it on shuffle and started sweeping the apartment then after awhile i stopped to get myself a drink a drink meaning a bottle of wine i had on my fridge cold waiting for me to drink it.

I grabbed a glass from the top cabinet and poured myself some wine and chugged it.  It was so cold just how I like it and one thing led to another. I was halfway down the bottle and still haven't mopped at all. Now here I was sitting down on the couch with the bottle in one hand taking small sips while I listened to music .

I stood up and went upstairs to my room to grab a scrunchie to put my hair up in a bun then stop when I saw a picture of Eddie I had found while cleaning the back of the closet .

He was wearing a black dio shirt. He must have been younger in that picture around 19 was my guess.

I took the picture and a piece of tape and tape it in my squishmallow i dont know what the fuck i was doing i was too drunk to function properly right now.

But i think i just tape a picture of Eddie in my damn stuffed animal that i hug at night and sometimes use it as a pillow.

And now here I am staring at it and smiling like a damn fool.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I grabbed my squismallow, hugged it tight and Now I was heading downstairs to the living room when the song changed..

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