Two realities

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Ever since i found out Eddie wasn't dead and was in a coma in Hawkins hospital I've gone to visit him every single day at the hospital right after school .

I spend a few hours with him then go back home and spend the rest of my time with Eddie's ghost or spirit whatever he was .

He hasn't disappeared from me anymore .

Now he follows me around even to school .

"So don't you get bored being here with me at work?" I asked Eddie I was on my lunch break and I had told Claire I was staying in to grade test but in reality I just wanted to spend time with Eddie .

"Honestly I don't but you're the only that can see me and tolerates me All i know is that when I'm not with you is like I don't exist ,but when I'm with you ,you make me feel alive you make me want to keep going to fight for my life .But sometimes I want to give up I've gone to the hospital and tried to go inside my body to see if I wake up but nothing ."he stands up from the desk he was sitting in and walks over to me kneeling down ."I-I can't do this alone Ari." He looks at me with those beautiful eyes .

"Are you asking me for help ?"

"Look you have two realities to choose from first one being a freak metalhead coming to your life in a very unconventional way and he happens to need your assistance the second one is that your a crazy hot teacher talking to yourself in your classroom ."I chuckled at the second one

"I think I prefer the first one ."

"Ok ,it's settled, you're gonna help me wake up ." He stands up and sits on the desk picking up a pencil .

He was getting better at that and it scared me because what if that meant that we were losing him.

"So you think I'm hot ?" I asked him shyly

"Yes,super you burn me just by being next to you ." He exaggerates

"Oh come on Eddie I'm not that hot ."

"Sweetheart, I wouldn't lie to you ." He knelt down in front of me again .

I felt my heart start beating faster and if it weren't because Eddie was a ghost I would have closed the gap between us and I hate to be the one to ruin the moment right now but I have too,because I know if someone walks in I'm gonna look fucking weird staring at nothing with heart for eyes.

"Eddie ." I said softly ,I want to ruin the moment but Eddie kept getting closer and closer to me. Our faces were inches away. If he was here for real I would have felt his breath on my face but all I felt was that tingling sensation.

"Hmm." He hummed looking down at my lips ,the tension was growing and I really wanted to kiss him .But I knew it wasn't possible .

"You have very pretty eyes ." I told
Him again for the millionth time

"So ,I've heard ." He whispers

"Do you want to get out of here early and go visit you ?" Yeah I had to ruin the moment

"Yeah, let's go ." He gets up suddenly and disappears leaving me in my classroom alone finally able to breathe .

At the hospital

"Eddie." I whispered, yelled, opening the door to Eddie's room in the hospital.

"I'm here ." He responds ,I close the door behind me and walk slowly over to Eddie's bed where he is still unconscious.

But no sign of Eddie's ghost or soul I don't know what to call him .

"Eddie."I whispered again

"Here ." I heard him again

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