Chapter 37

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I can't see anything, I can only feel how far back I have retreated in my mind. I was still alive but my heart had stopped beating – I know because that was the moment my mind completely retreated back into itself.

"It's called survival," Maximus' voice echoes through my thoughts and I can feel the rush of protection and warmth that come with his words.

"I was attacked by a monster," I reply, still feeling Maximus' presence close by, "I could die, why aren't I dead? Why are you in my head? Shouldn't you be fighting –"

"I tried to protect you, it snapped my neck," Maximus growls, annoyed at himself for not protecting me.

"What does that mean for Leah?" I ask in a hushed whisper.

"I don't know..." Maximus sighs, sounding stressed, "Isobel... we might not survive this."

"What do you mean?" I ask quickly, "Won't we heal and be fine?"

"Theoretically yes," Maximus hesitates, "But we were attacked by a werewolf, not a monster."

"What does that mean?"

"It means we have poison in our systems, their claws have toxins. Enough of the toxin kills vampires."

"Is there a cure?"

"...maybe, but these were most likely the werewolves modified by Eddrick," Maximus explains, "We might die quicker, or we might reawaken. I can't tell you that everything is going to be okay."

"I'm glad you are at least with me, in my mind, because of the bond... at least I wont... we won't... you know... die alone."

"You'll never be alone, my little hunter," Maximus says tenderly, "I'll follow you into the next world, and the next."

"That's called persistence," I joke around.

"I still need to taste you, properly, all of you, darling," If I could blush in the deepest recesses of my mind; I do, "Isobel, if we do die – I need you to know that I love you."

I hesitate in responding, shocked by the gentle and genuine tone Maximus embodies in my mind.

"I think I'm dreaming," I say.

Maximus chuckles and says, "No, I'm right here with you, darling."

"I think I'm in love with you, too" I blurt out, before I can hold it back.

But before he can respond, I feel a cold rush enter my mind – like a brain freeze. It's like all my nerve endings are on fire.

I'm waking up.

And I'm not having a brain freeze – my mind is just registering how much damage is done to my body. It's the pain – the pain is making me want to throw up.

But I can't move.

I'm too broken.

I don't even know if my stomach was still in my body for christ's sake.

I couldn't open my eyes.

Everything hurt.

I try to retreat back into the deepest part of my mind.

Anywhere I could go – to escape the pain.

Death would be welcome right about now.

***Updates every Friday, read the newest updates in 'Prince Darrius' and'Prince Xavier' to get other perspectives on what is happening right now!***

INSERT RANDOM RANT MWAHHAHAH***On a side note, if anyone cares, lol, i'm going to rant about how life sucks right at this very moment. I have 2 exams due in a couple of days that i haven't studied for because of an essay i'm completing and after that i have another essay due, and a quiz (I have to do all this in one week) and i have to get another job somewhere because the place i work at now is closing. Plus i've got a cold, and it's soon to be... you know, that 'time' of the month where i get pretty bad cramping and headaches and back pain and neck pain. So, 'yay' life is great, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok, if i try and be positive. Writing, friends and pets and food and hot baths and tea - all make me happy. ok, yep, totally going to be fine hahaha. And so I was thinking on the holidays ( i have 2 months off soon) that i'm going to give Christian and Ruby a story! You know, my first ever WEREWOLF romance!! any one ship dem werewolves? Not the ones that killed/seriously-injured/maimed/hurt/???? Maximus and Isobel, lol, defs not them!!!!! And hmmm, what else, hmm.... oh gosh, i should go to sleep it's nearly midnight :/ arghhhh nah stuff it, i like ranting. Did anyone watch Mad Max: Fury Road? It's legit my favourite movie right now and i keep on watching the trailer over and over and over and over and over like omfg, it is soooooo good i can't even handle it. Seriously. Watch it!!! that movie is freakin' insane - my type of movie haha. If you love insanity, cars, and heheh, Tom Hardy (oh my gosh his VOICE, HIS VOICE IS ACTUALLY THE HOTTEST THING EVER ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sorry sorry, fangirling alert heheheheheh) but but you haveeveeeeeee to watch it like seriously omg do it right now, and if you dont know what it is, the trailer, the trailer, watch the trailer, it is amazing :') i shalll now apologize for this rant, and i shall go to sleep, sorry again. heheh. also considering my exams are monday and wednesday, there may be delays for Xavier and Dragon's Princess :'( AND HELL, HERE IS A LINK TO THE TRAILER LOL because, YOLO and you have to watch it and submit to it's golriousness (yes i made that word up) arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***

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