Chapter 13: Interesting class indeed.

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"Hello there": for speech.

(Let's prank her.): for thoughts.

"Bold letters" : To describe dialogues with heavy emotion behind them.

{WELL THEN.} or [ WELL THEN]: for author's notes or some explanation in between chapters.


3rd person POV.

Waiting by the car, Izuku spotted Akeno coming towards him as he gave her a wave in greeting as he raised a eyebrow. Catching what he meant, Akeno says" Rias went to find out more details about opening a club, she will be here in a few minutes.", Izuku gave a small smile and nods as he snaps his fingers as ice took the form of words, "Hope she doesn't open a otaku club..", Akeno  let out a small giggle as she replied "Well, I managed to convince her not to, she said she will open a mythology club as a front for our group gathering next year, But we do need 3 members to open a club, joining?".

Giving a shrug, Akeno got into the front passenger seat as Izuku knew Rias will be pissed, After all. She never gave the front passenger seat to anyone. Also getting into the car, Izuku turns on the engine so the A/C will turn on as well. just chillin to some music for a while, Akeno heard a tap on her window and looks to see Rias scowling at her in anger, Akeno just giggles as Izuku points to the back. 

Giving a final glare to Akeno, Rias gets in the back as she complains " Akeno!, You know I love that seat, why did u seat there!", Akeno covers her mouth, giggling as she answers, "Its first come first serve Rias, and I wont give it back till home since I like it here, the view is fantastic", Glancing at Izuku who was focused on driving, Akeno gives herself a small cheer as Rias's face was swelling from pouting in anger.

The trio arrive home as Izuku goes to the grocery store with Rias, while Akeno goes to prepare snacks. Though not before getting a bit ticked off my Rias's smug face when she went to the grocery store with her husband interest.

The next day.

at U.A

Getting out of the car, Izuku waves bye to his housemates and goes towards his class. Upon opening the door, Izuku saw most of the people conversing with someone or the other except for Momo who was reading a book on staff stances and Shenhe who was staring at the board. choosing the silent gang to be better, Izuku walks to his seat as he sits down as he snaps his fingers as ice-words appeared before Shenhe and Momo, "Morning.".

Momo greeted him "Good morning Gremory-san.", while Shenhe replied " good morning to you as well.". Mina who saw Izuku enter the class and greet the 2 others, wanted to get to know them too but... all their neutral faces and don't you dare approach me vibes were crawling up her skin daring her to see what would happen. 

Mina wisely chose to back-off, 

About Momo: 

Emerging from a worldwide influential family, Momo is a very intelligent and calm person. Due to her family's influence and bloodline, There were aware of the supernatural as well. Momo grew up studying and preparing herself diligently to take over the family business and protect it in the future with her quirk and her special powers, which is something passed down the Yaoyorozu bloodline, ability to control magic. Each family member had a element they are drawn too, Momo's element was special, light and dark, but due to growing up to be strong, cold and extremely independent and alone, her dark powers have activated but her light attribute was still sealed.

So, her parents decide to convince Momo to  find a life for herself instead of persuading herself to run the business. Momo accepts as this is a chance to learn more about the human world accepts to study to become a hero.

Momo refuses to associate with just anyone, being a heiress, she has to always be careful from not being taken advantage of but knowing the fame of the Gremory and about the person beside her from her father, she feels like maybe this person will not be so bad.


Sacrificed by her own father to a low-class evil god in hopes that her father would get back his wife. Shenhe had to fight the evil god for days before she emerged victorious, on the brink of death was found by a top official of the Adeptus from China, training ever since in the adeptual arts, the adeptus even had to seal her her craze for battle and death with chains. Hoping that learning about being a human would help Shenhe, they sent her to Japan's U.A where she can use her trained powers to protect her kind and hopefully someday remove the binds to her heart and lead a peaceful life accepted by the humans.

growing up with the adepti and training all her life, Shenhe never had the chance to know much about emotions, choosing to isolate herself thinking that fitting in is impossible, Shenhe gives out a cold aura to stray away from communication. But even so, curiosity peaked by the person whom even the adeptus have praised, she is rather curious in Izuku.


Not wanting to trust anything soon is something his heart developed by itself, fear of being abandoned again id he forms bonds is something Izuku is still scared off, Growing with the Gremory family and his King showed to him he always has a few people ready to face the world for him but during the years of being a devil and watching people betray and sacrifice each other like nothing is something Izuku will never forget. Now known to be youngest and the first reincarnated human to pass the promotion to ultimate-class, Izuku has to be even more beware of others. After all, a person who is strong enough to defeat an army can be killed mentally through betrayal's or scheme's.

Izuku knows he is here to fulfill his childhood wish and promise with his mom and dad, he will not let people ruin it for him again. But Izuku knows the backgrounds of the 2 beside him and neither are from backgrounds with questionable reputations. Adeptus, even though known for being prideful care for the humans as much as their own and Yaoyorozu family's reputation amongst the human world speaks for itself. 

3 people, 2 scarred from the past, 1 chained to the title of princess.

We will see how this goes.

after all,

it is indeed an interesting class..


Word count: 1080.

JUST A mini chapter to show who the mains are and their small past and their reasonings.

from neext chapter, we will be back to the usual word count above 2000

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