Drake Cohen Profile

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This is a character profile for the main OC in this story Drake Cohen. A few people have been curious about how I imagine Drake when I write him. So here is a list of information about him, for those who are curious.

Most of this stuff probably won't become relevant in the story itself. Before we start, this is how I imagine Drake at the very start of the story before the prologue. As the story progresses, this profile will become less accurate. Aside from that, nothing I write in this bio is set in stone and is subject to change in the future.

If this is your first time reading this fanfiction. I recommend you skip the profile and go straight into the prologue. Reading the profile is not required to understand the story. You're not missing out on anything.

The art for Drake was drawn by a fan. @Bocookie all credit should go to him. Here is his deviantart page where he posts his artwork.


Full Name: Drake Cohen

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Sexuality: Straight

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Older Sister: Vivian Cohen

Father: Henry Cohen (Deceased)

Mother: Natalie Smith (Pregnant)

Stepfather: Andrew Smith

Video games (Especially co-op games with Marcy)
Sneaking out of his house
Hanging out with his friends
Rules that are easy to understand and follow

Corrupted Officials

Drake's parkour practice allows him to traverse difficult terrain. Even allowing him to climb up buildings and hang out on rooftops.
Drake knows how to keep a low profile. If he is actively hiding, finding him would be difficult.
Drake has a natural talent for combat.
Drake is extremely perceptive and detail oriented. It's hard to slip something past him without him noticing or becoming suspicious.

Despite his parkour skills, Drake is not physically fit and tires easily.
Drake suffers from a lack of confidence in his own decision making, especially if his friends aren't going to back him up on something he believes in. This is mainly offset by Sasha who acts as the leader of the group and can boss him around.
Drake can get angry and violent really easily and at hard to predict times.
Drake has a hard time handling social situations.
Drake panics easily, especially when alone.
Drake has a hard time picking sides when there is an issue between two people he sees as friends.

Drake is a reserved and passive individual who often times keeps quiet. He is rather distrusting of people he doesn't know, seeing them as 'potentially dangerous people'. This difficulty in providing trust often gets him labeled as paranoid. This alongside how easy it is to scare him, generally makes people think he is easily worried over nothing. Drake is most comfortable with those he considers friends, and he often relies on them to make decisions for him or to provide guidance.


Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Calamity Color: Yellow

Skin Color: White

Build: Compared to most other boys his age, Drake is rather small and somewhat short.

Friends: Drake only has three friends.

Friends: Drake only has three friends

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Anne Boonchuy:

Sasha Waybright:

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Sasha Waybright:

Sasha Waybright:

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Marcy Wu:

Author's Note

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Author's Note


I will most likely come back and make changes to the profile in the future. Nothing you see on this profile is final. If you have any questions regarding Drake or if there is any information you want me to add to the profile, feel free to leave a comment. I'd very much like to hear it.

There's been some news. Wattpad has begun a purge of stories, and I may end up getting targeted as well. There is a chance this story gets taken down. If that does happen, I may decide to write this story on another site, perhaps start over with the same name but incorporating some changes. Just something to keep in mind. If I do jump to another site, I will be using a similar username to what I have now.

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