Prologue-Part 1

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I'm currently walking to school when I see a 1980 GMC black van pull up. A tall white man in a black suit comes out and introduces himself.

???- こんにちは元気ですか? (Hello, how are you?)

Zion- 私は元気です あなたは誰ですか? (I'm fine, who are you?)

???- 私の名前はポール・ウィトウィッキーです。私は米国政府と一緒です。(My name is Paul Witwicky. I am with the US government.)

Zion- わかりました、何か必要ですか? (ok, do you need anything?)

Paul W.-私はあなたが私と一緒に来ることを望んでいましたか. (I was hoping you would come with me.)

Zion-申し訳ありませんが、そうすべきではないと思います。(I'm sorry, but I don't think I should.)

Paul W.- 残念ですが、とにかく一緒に来てください。(It's a shame, but you're coming with me anyway.)

Suddenly, the tall white man grabs me and throws me into the back of the van.

Zion- 手放して何をしている!(What are you doing? Let go!)

Paul W.- Quiet him down and tie him up now.

???- Yes sir.

Something goes over my head. It's dark and I can't see. A cold and hard object is on my wrists. I tried to break free but something was stabbed in my neck and I pass out. I awaken in a cold green liquid. Looking around, I notice I'm in a glass tube with a pair of boxers on and a respirator on my mouth. I see the man in the suit from earlier, some older man in a green uniform with badges on his left,  and a white woman in a lab coat. I can't precisely hear everything they are saying but I can make out some words.

Paul W.- Subject...prepared...for...project

Man in uniform- Good...time...Marilyn...project...Shinigami...successful...not...die

Woman in lab coat-

Eventually, Paul and the man in uniform leave, and the woman in the coat stays behind and looks at me. Confused about the current situation, I wave at her. She looks shocked and waves back. She goes to a desk and returns with a pencil and clipboard. She writes something on it and shows it to me. It reads "Can you understand what this says?". I nod my head confirming what she wrote. She looks surprised and happy at the same time. She writes something else down and shows it to me. It reads "You have been selected for the Shinigami Project. I am the lead scientist for this project. My name is Marilyn Ames. You will be given abilities exceeding human capabilities. Do you wish to know what they are?" I nod at her understanding the information given to me. She writes more down and shows it to me. It reads "I will alter your DNA and give you longer stamina and make you faster than the average person. You will be able to run at 20mph and last 4 hours before getting tired. Your abilities given to you will be Typhokinesis and Pyrokinesis. Do you understand?" I nod at this. She nods at me and flips a switch near the tube. A bright red light flashes in the tube and the liquid drains out of the tube. I fall on my hands and knees weakened from the abduction earlier. The Marilyn lady walks over to me with a towel and helps me up.

Marilyn A.- Hey, are you okay?

Zion- Not really, my body hurts.

Marilyn A.- *shocked* You speak English? 

Zion- Yes, why is that so surprising? It's because I'm Japanese you thought I couldn't speak English?

Marilyn A.- Well yes, I thought that. Sorry.

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