Season 1x10- Nightmares and Fights

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In Zion's head

☆Zion's P.O.V☆

I'm jolted awake from something stabbing into my body. I look around and see the scientist from the bunker again.

Marilyn A.- Hello again, Zion. It's been a while hasn't it?

I try to speak but nothing comes out of my mouth.

Marilyn A.- Oh right, I forgot to tell you. I cut your vocal cords so you wouldn't make a sound. I should've done that back then when you were a child.

I look at her with fear in my eyes. I try to use my abilities but for some reason I'm unable to.

Marilyn A.- Can't use your powers huh? That's because I took them away. You didn't deserve to become a weapon. I'm going to fix you, by getting rid of all of your problems. First, it's your powers. Second, it will be everyone you love.

She snaps her fingers and three armed men come into the room with my parents and Octavia. The men put them on the ground execution style and raise the guns to their heads. No. Please don't, Marilyn. Don't do this.

Marilyn A.- I'm going to kill them to heal you. If you have no bonds with anybody, you will eventually become stronger. Someone is coming. Someone that is able to kill you. In due time, you will learn that you will become stronger without bonds.

AN- I'm starting to sound like Sasuke

She raises one finger and the guard behind my dad cocks his gun. He raises it to his head. My dad looks at me worried and I know that I can't do anything but watch. He mouths the words "I love you, son". I watch with teary eyes unable to help. The guard fires his gun splattering my father's blood and skull fragments everywhere. I'm forced to watch as Marilyn has the other guard shoot my mother the same way. Marilyn grabs a Beretta M9 from a table nearby. She grabs Octavia by her neck and brings her over to me. I shake my head "no" rapidly to have her stop but she doesn't. She brings Octavia right in front of me and puts the pistol to her head. Octavia starts crying and pleads to me to save her.

Octavia- *sobbing* Zion, please do something.

Marilyn A.- Shut up! This whore is the main reason you lack the strength to grow stronger. She got in your way when you tried to kill Striker. You almost killed him but she was shot. Until you learn that you need to get rid of her, you will always be weaker than everyone you go against. Anyone around you is a liability to you.

She cocks the gun and shoots Octavia in the head. Getting her blood on my body and in my eyes. NOOOO-
I'm jolted awake screaming and crying. Octavia is woken up by my screaming and quickly tends to me.

Octavia- Baby! Zion! It's okay! You're okay! You're safe!

She embraces me in a hug which I return tightly. She gently rubs my back while trying to calm me down. I cry into her shoulder scared of what's going to happen. We sit there in silence until Octavia speaks up.

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