Season 1x2- Pilot & Hanging with Tavi🍋

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[The opening scene shows a giant mansion. The camera goes into a dark and purple room. Shifting to the left we see two figures in a bed. The one on the left moves a bit]

I awaken to the sound of my phone ringing. I pick it up and look at the contact "Blitz". I decide to answer it.

Zion- Hey Blitz, what's up?

Blitz- Hey kid, hope I didn't wake ya. You mind coming in today for a meeting?

Zion- Yeah sure, I'll be over in 30.

Blitz- Alright, see you soon.

Zion- See you. Tavi?

Octavia- Hm?

Zion- I have to go in for work. I'll see you later ok?

Octavia- Alright, love you.

Zion- I love you too. *Kisses her on cheek*

I get out of her bed and make my way out of her house. I get in my car and drive to my house. I get into my house and get my things to shower. I turn on the shower to hot water and hop in. I make sure to clean everything including my tail. Once I'm finished, I step out and start getting ready. I put on my clothes and leave my house. I put on my security system and walk to my car. I unlock it and start it up.

Zion- Hm, I'm gonna play some music. Probably some N.W.A

I put on Boyz-N-The-Hood and start jamming to it. After awhile, I get to the building. I park my car and start heading to the entrance. While walking there, I get a text.

Octavia- Have a good day at work, baby!

Zion- Ok, want do you want to do later?

Octavia- Hm, we could go out or hang out in my room. What do you want to do?

Zion- Going out works.

Octavia- Alright, do you want to go to the mall later?

Zion- Sure, could use some new clothes and whatnot.

Octavia- Alright, it's a date lol. I'll talk to you later.

Zion- Ok, same here. Love you.

Octavia- Love you too.
I get into the building on our floor and head into the meeting room. I am welcomed by the sight of the gang sitting around the meeting table. I decide to sit next to Loona who is on her phone.

Zion- Morning guys, how's everyone doing?

M&M- Good

Loona- Decent

Blitz- Great

For some reason, Loona looks at me and sniffs me.

Zion- What are you doing?

Loona- Why do you smell like an owl?

Zion- No reason.

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