Season 1x6- Death of the Cherubs

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[The opening shot is a view of the I.M.P office. We see the gang hanging out in the meeting room. Everyone looks bored except Loona who is sleeping. Zion is on his phone scrolling through his girlfriend's Sinstagram. Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie are watching commercials until one comes on with a baby on it.]

☆Zion's P.O.V☆

Cletus- Well howdy! I'm Cletus! Welcome to Heaven! Guess you did somethin' good to get here, and good people deserve to give loved ones special blessin's!

I turn my head to the T.v and decide to watch this commercial.

???- Does it make you want to cry?

???- When your loved one has to die?

Cletus- Does it hurt you through and through?

All- When your face is turning blue?

Some blue sheep thing appears on screen.

???- Well, luckily for you...

Then some yellow sheep thing appears on screen as well

???- There's somethin' we can do!

Finally, the baby from earlier appears.

Cletus- We can help keep them alive, ♫

All three of them appear together

All- So you can watch them thrive!

Getting pissed at their annoying voices, I blast fire at the T.v melting it. Suddenly, the office begins to shake and Loona wakes up.

Loona- Guys? Do you feel that?

Blitz- Oh shit! Is that a hellshake?

Moxxie- That's possible?

Millie grabs Moxxie and shakes him.

Millie- Alright! Don't panic Moxxie!

Moxxie- I'm not "panicking" because hell quakes don't happen.

Loona- Stop getting hysterical Fatty!!

Loona shakes Moxxie and slaps the shit out of him, sending him in the wall. Some dark red ball breaks down our office wall crushing Moxxie. Loona gets into a pouncing stance and I form my suit and point my shotguns at it. Some weird ass dude with some robotic hentai tentacles appears.

???- Do not be afraid.

Zion- Who the fuck are you and what do you want?

Blitz- Please tell me you have that insurance thing?

???- I am Loopty Goopty! Dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopiiish!

Loona- Could've just used the door dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing.

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