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I awaken from my nightmares and look to my left. Seeing the clock I can tell it's 5 am. I decide to get out of bed and explore some more. I walk until I find a cafeteria and decide to get something for breakfast. I go in the back to make some food. I am able to find eggs, rice, and cheese. I decide to make an omelet. After cooking the omelet I sit down to enjoy my meal.

Zion- Itadakimasu!

After finishing my omelet and washing my dish I decide to the gymnasium area. Walking to it I open the door with my handprint and decide to get a workout in. I hop on the treadmill and decide to run 2 miles.
*10 minute skip*
After finishing my run I decide to do some deadlifts I can only lift 50 pounds though. I start doing some reps. After a while of doing my reps, I can sense someone watching me. I put the bar back and look to my left to see Marilyn.

Marilyn A.- Oh, don't mind me I was just observing you.

Zion- Ok? Did you need something?

Marilyn A.- Yes, today is the day that I give you your abilities and you start your training. Would you follow me, please?

I follow her until we reach the laboratory. She opens the door and leads me inside.

Marilyn A.-  Ok I'm going to need you to lie down on that table over there.

I walk over to the table and lay down on it.

Marilyn A.- Alright before we start, are you afraid of needles?

Zion- No

Marilyn A.- Good

She proceeds to grab a tray table of syringes and clean 4 areas of my right arm.

Marilyn A.- Alright, the first one is to increase your stamina. The second one is to increase your speed. This third one is your Pyrokinesis. The fourth one is your Typhokinesis. Are you ready?

Zion- Yes.

She then injects all four of them at the same time. I feel a little bit of burning pain from the Pyrokinesis syringe. She then withdraws the needles from my arm.

Marilyn A.- Ok, all done. I just need to put you back in the chamber so your abilities can fuse into your DNA.

Zion- Alright.

She takes me back to the pod that I woke up in. She opens the door and motions for me to go inside. She puts the respirator that I had on before on me. I step inside and she closes and locks the door. She presses a button and a dark black liquid fills the chamber. She rushes to get a pencil and paper and writes something on it. It reads "You will stay submerged for two days so your abilities can develop. Got it?" I give her a thumbs up. She nods at that response and begins to leave. I begin to fall asleep due to the warmness of the liquid.
*2 day time skip*
I am jolted awake by a burning sensation in my body. I bang on the glass to try to break it. Suddenly, a black flame appears on my left hand. I punch the glass and it breaks. I fall to the floor and yell for the scientist.

The Wolf and The OwletteWhere stories live. Discover now