Season 1x1- Meeting Blitz & First Kiss

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Author's Note: The default look for Zion is the hellhound form in the Biography. Sorry I didn't clear this up before.

I'm currently chilling on my bed watching Naruto. It's the final fight of Naruto and Sasuke. I'm kind of bored honestly.

Zion- Hmm, I'm going to get a drink.

I shut off my T.v and head outside to my car. I start it up and head over to Pappy's Bar. On my way there, I get a text from Octavia.
Octavia- Hey Zion, what you up to?

Zion- Nothing much, heading to Pappy's. You?

Octavia- Nothing, just listening to the songs you showed me yesterday.

Zion- Oh nice, you like them so far?

Octavia- Yeah, they're pretty good. Hey, can I ask you something?

Zion- You just did lol.

Octavia- lol I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out?

Zion- haha bold move there Tavi. Yeah, I'm down to hang. I'll be there round 4, that work?

Octavia- Yeah, that's a good time. See you later.

Zion- See ya.
After driving for a bit I reach Pappy's. I park my car and go inside. I'm greeted by the owner Pappy.

Pappy- Hey Zion, how you doing?

Zion- Same old stuff Pappy. How about you?

Pappy- Same here man, you want the usual? Jungle Juice with a squeeze of lime?

Zion- Yep, you know me man.

Pappy- Haha alright, give me a sec.

I look to my left and see an imp with long horns and some kind of birthmark on his face. He looks kinda down.

Zion- Hey, you doing alright?

???- No not really, just going through some things.

Zion- Would you like talk about it?

???- *sighs* It's just because my adopted daughter is having issues with me. Yes, I sometimes baby her but that's because I want her to be safe and happy. I want to give her a better life than the one she had before.

Zion- Hm, well maybe you two should have a talk about this. One on one type of thing.

???- That's not a bad idea. Thanks man.

Zion- It's no problem man. I'm Zion by the way. *Extends hand to shake*

???- I'm Blitz *Returns handshake*

Zion- Oh that's how I know you. You were in that commercial yesterday.

Blitz- Oh you saw that?

Zion- Yeah, I was actually going to try to get a job there.

Blitz- Oh shit really? Well, me and the gang could use another guy in the field. Here come with me and we'll get you an application.

Zion- Alright, hey Pappy, I'll see you later man. *Leaves a 20 on the counter*

Pappy- See you later, Zion!

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