Jingle Bells

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The first snow was beginning, opposite to what Baekhyun had sighted in the other part of the world. He was back to Korea after 4 months of none stopping traveling and spending his money like water. He is from the Byun Family so- anyway he stayed in luxuries until he was called his friends informing about this dance competition and he better come for New Years.

Baekhyun decided to come since he did miss his home but his heart ached. He wish he could rip it out and- and just not feel anything. Love hurts. Baekhyun looked at his reflection from the window of car he was riding. He looked at the frowning face, wondering if that's actually his face. Then, the car stopped, he looked to see red flashing in his face. Stop light.


Kyungsoo: Chen, no-no- move like this.

Kyungsoo instructed Chen, clearly tired from all the practice but Chen asked for Kyungsoo to teach him so he wouldn't back down.

Chen: This is hard.

Chen said while looking at Kyungsoo maybe if he would let him off. But he saw the look in Kyungsoo's eyes telling him it won't be over until it's done correctly.

Yixing: Having fun training?

They both stopped what they were doing and look at him shocked. Wondering how he entered, then they saw Junmyeon with bags in his hands. Junmyeon owned a key to Chen's house just in case of emergencies.

Junmyeon: Chen, give up already. You know we gonna win and it's about to start soon anyway.

Chen: Hyung, you never know.

Chen said challengingly, but being aware of his brother's dance skill.

They heard a knock to see Minseok and Luhan. They all wondered why they weren't together yet. But they quieted down knowing how private they both are- even though sometimes Luhan acts- Then their eyes shifted to see a young man standing beside them.

Chen: Hyung, who is that?

Chen asked, to which the boy looked at him shyly. Kind of hiding behind Luhan. They all awed at him. Yes, even Kyungsoo.

Luhan: Oh this? He is my cousin Zitao. But for short I like to call him Panda.

Zitao: Hello, I am Pan- no I mean Zitao.

They flushed and hid behind Luhan. They all looked at him saying how cute he was. To which he peeked at them, smiling cutely happy at the compliments.

Then, they heard another knock. Minseok, closest to the door opened it. Smiling to know who was there. He hugged at Chanyeol and asked about his whereabouts. Chanyeol just smiled and told him it was going good.

Chen: Yeol, seeing you after 2 months feels good.

Chen said sadly. After Baekhyun left Chanyeol never had time with him. Only meeting him sometimes and after that he left for 2 months to improve his guitar skills in a foreign place.

Chanyeol: Aww Chen, you missed me?

Chanyeol said hugging Chen. In that hug Chen noticed again, how big Chanyeol is. After they stopped their hug Chanyeol seemed to be looking behind him at the door. Chen wondered if it was Baekhyun.

Chanyeol: Sehun? Oi! Where did you go?

Chanyeol said loudly to which Minseok closed his ears. But everybody wondered who Sehun was. Until they saw him appear from the door. They saw a tall boy, with charcoal black hair, and a cute smile. He looked at them like he was scared but happy.

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