Kiss Me More

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2015 January 17

Jongin got ready excitedly as Chen had promised to meet him today by the river where they were last time. "Look at you, getting ready like you're about to get married." Jonghyun said with a smile to which Jongin just smiled more. "Yeah! I am meeting him today!" He said excitedly as he left the house. His friends watched him leave and wished him good luck.

On the other hand there was Chen, already at the place. It had been tough to get out. His back still hurt from last night, he stretched a little to relive it. Chen had lied to DØ again, about going to his college. And he believed it easily thinking that Chen wouldn't have guts to cheat on him because of his power. Chen laughed at that, how silly. Chen hated him, he would do anything to ruin him.

"Hello!" Chen turned to look at the blinding smile of Jongin. He smiled back. "So, what are we gonna do?" Jongin asked. "Already thinking ahead? This is our first date!" Chen replied to which Jongin blushed he didn't meant to go there. Jongin apologized to Chen, to which he just dismissed it. Then, they sat in silence.

Chen threw a small glance at Jongin, being near him made Chen feel calm and relaxed. He didn't understood why but it just did. His cheeks felt warm next to him, his stomach twisted with excitement, and his heart thumped with energy. Just being near him made Chen completely lose his mind.

Jongin: Do you wanna get some ice cream?

Chen smiled, how cliche but it worked since he nodded. As they walked out of the water way Chen extended his hand. Intertwining with Jongin's, Chen felt him stifen but later relax as they continued to walk. Chen looked at him once more to see him smile, Chen's heart now beat very loudly. He was scared that Jongin might hear it. His smile, wow, it made Chen awestruck. Such a beautiful smile, his shining teeth's, and fluffy brown hair. Wow, Chen could at him all day, especially his childlike laugh.

Chen: You're cute.

Jongin stopped then looked at Chen and smiled more now, to which Chen watched him in awestruck- again. They both stopped walking there and watched each other, feeling already so connected and relaxed with each other. "I know this sounds weird but I feel so calm when I am near you." Jongin admitted to which Chen laughed at, how smiled could they be? "Maybe we are soulmates!" Chen said to which Jongin blushed. 'It would be nice if it was' thought Jongin.

Chen: Look! Right there- let's go!

Chen dragged Jongin's hand near the ice cream stand and went there. Chen got a vanilla and Jongin Chocolate, Jongin offered to pay to which Chen didn't mind since he didn't have any money. As they sat down on the bench they ate ice cream, quietly. This was fine too, eating in peace finally. After few licks Chen dropped his ice cream as he suddenly thought of DØ force feeding him. Jongin looked Chen carefully, helping Chen stand up and go to the restroom.

As they reached there Chen broke down, crying as he was having trouble breathing too. Jongin helped him calm down, as he told him to control his breathing. Hugging Chen and telling him everything is fine and he was here for Chen. "Do you have some type of problem? Maybe I can help you with?" Jongin asked as Chen finished washing his face. Chen looked at him with horror on his face. "Maybe if I survive til the next time we meet." With that Chen left, running. Jongin wanted to chase after him but his gut told him not to.

DØ: Look, I made this. I learned form this body.

Chen looked the dining table, it was filled with his and Kyungsoo's favorites. It made him more sick. Chen sat down while looking at DØ, he seemed to be in good mood. He wondered why, but didn't ask. "Eat." After hearing that Chen forced himself to take a bite. He didn't like this, it made him feel sick. "Your appetite is getting worse and worse. Are you finally about to die?" DØ joked as he looked at Chen. Then, Chen got up and left the dining table- angry. DØ yelled at Chen to come back but he didn't, he knew what he was getting into but it didn't matter. DØ looked at all the left overs and signed then, went after Chen.

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