Sing For You

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Chen got his house ready for New Year's Celebration. To him time passed slowly but this year it seemed as if everything happened quickly. It was New Year's already. He and his boyfriend has already finished decorating and bringing out delicious foods, now they were just waiting on drinks promised by his friends.


Kyungsoo went to open the door, as soon as he opened he was met with crowd of people, who were his friends. They all hugged each other and Kyungsoo welcomed them inside. They also hugged and greeted Chen. Then, they all sat down in the same place where they did last year. Chen smiled as memories of last year flashed before his eyes, but along with that also the memories of Jongin and his previous years. It was filled with constant ups and downs.

Kyungsoo: Chen!

Chen flinched as he looked at Kyungsoo in fear, why was he using that voice? Then, he looked to see him smiling and he signed in relief. 'He isn't mad,' ran through his mind. And he took a sit near Kyungsoo. While they sat they started their party. As they read their poems and danced the night went amazing. Now it was only matter of seconds before it was 2017.

All 10 friends stood up and went outside Chen's apartment to his balcony. "HAPPY NEW YEARS! WELCOME 2017!!!" They all screamed from their lungs as they saw fireworks hit their sky and laughs could be heard from the streets. It was a wonderful night, lit with embers and smiles.


Chen got up from his sleep, he watched all his friends snoring loudly while sleeping on the floor. Chen looks at the cake Kyungsoo bought and a tear slid across his face. He made this cake the very same day he changed. The same day where he and Chen grew apart.

Chen lifts up a fork and takes a bite of the cake, it even tastes the same.

2013 February 14

Chen: Baby, you didn't had to. This looks delicious.

Chen said as he smiled at the cake. It was a red velvet cake with rose design, it looked beautiful. But to Chen's surprise today Kyungsoo was silent, well he usually was but today something seemed off. Chen turned to look back at Kyungsoo but he was hit with something heavy on his head. Then, he fell on the floor.

"Wake up." A voice boomed into Chen's dizzy head. His voice was familiar but something seemed off. Chen slowly lifted his heavy eyes to look at his boyfriend but he looked different. His aura was off and his face was more expressionless then ever. "Soo?"

As soon as Chen said that his hair was gripped tightly by the figure in front of him. He winced at the pain and looked at Kyungsoo with tearful eyes. "Hurts!" Chen screamed but the grip only got tighter. "Let go, please!" Chen said with more desperation in his voice, but the figure in front of him remained still.

"Why do I feel like this?" Kyungsoo asked himself as he looked at Chen, then, he finally left his hair. And he grabbed his heart then looked at Chen. "My heart hurts." He said as he bended down to Chen's level. Then, Chen realized he was tied down to a chair. Now he was more panicked. "What do you mean? Soo, this isn't funny." Chen replied, worried. "I have to kill you, I have tried while you were unconscious but I couldn't." Kyungsoo said to Chen while he looked at him in his eyes.

Chen: This isn't funny, who suggested this Chanyeol?

"Chanyeol? That bastard that left and hasn't come back?" Kyungsoo said with anger in his voice. Chen was now confused what was happening? "What do you mean? Stop this nonsense!" Chen said as he struggled to get out from the ties. "I guess you deserve an explanation before you die." Kyungsoo said as he touched Chen's cheek.

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