Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Lu Xin's Care

    What Lu Jinyuan said was so serious that even An Yiyi almost believed it. He almost believed that he was only helping An's family for the benefit of the company.

    But the cooperation between him and An's family is not long, and the amount of the signed orders is not large, but the financial resources and manpower needed to help An's family have long exceeded the value of this cooperation.

    An Yiyi glanced at him, but she still didn't reveal it, she curled her lips slightly.

    "Then thank you in advance."

    Lu Jinyuan's help has already been mentioned twice, and An Yiyi's previous attitude was to refuse, but since Lu Jinyuan wanted to help, she had no reason to refuse.

    "You're welcome."

    Lu Jinyuan said, "Even if there are difficulties, I believe that this crisis can be overcome safely. Whether it is your family or Lu's, it will not be affected." He spoke calmly as

    always , It took An Yiyi a while to react before she could taste the comfort in these words.

    Although she didn't need to be comforted, the care from others would still make people feel comfortable, and An Yiyi had a smile on her face.


    But they didn't know that Lu Xin, who was watching TV more and more disappointed, came up, and the general heard Lu Jinyuan's comforting words, the little hand who knocked on the door paused, and pursed his lips.

    Worry appeared in his eyes.

    Just when she didn't know what to do, there were rustling sounds and faint footsteps from inside the door, as if someone was about to come out.

    Lu Xin took a step back subconsciously, a little flustered, hurried downstairs and sat down on the sofa.

    After a while, An Yiyi and Lu Jinyuan both came down.

    An Yiyi took the lead to sit on Lu Xin's left side, patted her little face, and asked, "Does Xinxin like this cartoon?"

    Lu Xin was a little at a loss, but when he heard An Yiyi's question, he nodded quickly, "I like it." .”

    In a small voice, the voice was soft and waxy, a little cautious.

    But An Yiyi didn't pay attention to this point of caution. When she looked up, she realized that this cartoon was the little carp she liked to watch when she was a child, so she raised her eyebrows.

    It should be said that it is the world of novels, there will always be something close to the world she used to live in.


    It was already Lu Xin's bedtime. Ever since An Yiyi came, Lu Xin had slept soundly, but today she couldn't sleep. In her little head, she was always thinking about what she heard tonight.

    Overcome difficulties, nothing will happen. These words, when they fall into little Lu Xin's ears, automatically become problems or big things.

    Let parents feel distressed.

    Lu Xin was a little worried, she didn't know what was going on, she was only worried that her parents would be upset and sad, but she didn't want to see her parents being sad.

    Little Lu Xin lay down for a long time, already starting to feel sleepy, but still couldn't fall asleep.

    There were slight footsteps outside the door, and Lu Xin heard An Yiyi's soft voice.

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