Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

    The two children of Yao Ke's family are not interested in Mathematics Olympiad, but Qi Ming, like Lu Xin, has signed up for this class.

    So today when An Yiyi came to pick up Lu Xin, there were not many people in the school, but Lu Xin and Qi Ming still came out together.

    The scene of two children coming out in front of him made An Yiyi inexplicably familiar.

    After a little daze, I remembered that Lu Xin had just become friends with Qi Ming, and they walked out together after school.

    But at that time, the two were still a little unfamiliar, Lu Xin was still very shy, and Qi Ming still had a serious look on his face.

    But now Lu Xin has a smile on his face, and Qi Ming's expression is gentle and intimate.

    Both children looked more alive than ever.

    An Yiyi laughed out of nowhere, bent over to catch Lu Xin who was trotting over, and tapped the tip of her nose.

    "Why is Xinxin so happy? Do you like Mathematical Olympiad?"

    Lu Xin smiled brightly, and the kidnapping didn't seem to have caused her any harm.

    "It's very interesting, Xinxin likes it!"

    The little girl is very smart, and she also likes toys like building blocks or Lego to pass the time. There are other game consoles at home, but she doesn't play much, and Mathematical Olympiad may be suitable for her.

    An Yiyi patted Lu Xin's head.

    "Xinxin is awesome."

    While saying that, An Yiyi straightened up, and Lu Xin also got out of her mother's arms.

    In fact, for this kidnapping.

    When Lu Xin just woke up, she wasn't so scared anymore.

    Maybe because her parents were around after waking up, she was arranged to wash and then eat. Everything was as usual, and the kidnapping was like a big dream.

    But Lu Xin remembered that he was sad and scared at the time.

    The hands hurt from being tied, and the ground was cold.

    It's just that these sorrows and fears quickly dissipated like clouds of smoke, and she was lucky that she didn't suffer any real, painful injuries.

    Through this incident, Lu Xin understood some truths.

    For example, there are very bad and bad people in the world, and they will do things to hurt others for their own sake.

    And Lu Xin didn't want to be such a person.

    An Yiyi didn't know what was going on in Lu Xin's mind, but she only remembered that the police had asked Lu Xin what happened, and the person who was doing psychological counseling later told An Yiyi.

    When this incident did not cause any psychological shadow on the child, An Yiyi was also fortunate.

    Qi Ming took Lu Xin's hand, followed beside the mother and daughter, looking at Lu Xin.

    Everyone knew what happened to Lu Xin, or Lu Xin was robbed right in front of him. That day was the first time he went home by himself since he met Lu Xin.

    He didn't want to go home, he wanted to find Lu Xin.

    But Qi Ming didn't know where to look for it, and he knew that by running around, he might cause unnecessary trouble to others, so he could only go home obediently.

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