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It was three days until prom and my nerves were eating me alive. My senior prom should be the time of my life but because of Harry's plan to off my classmates, the anxiety was eating me alive. I couldn't believe he was going through with this. I almost wasn't even able to believe that it was happening. Each and every day I tried to convince myself that this was just some cruel joke but I always snapped back to reality and realized it wasn't.

Today May and I were going to get our nails done and do some other girly things. Harry gave me a credit card for all the things he wanted to pay for but couldn't be their physically to buy for me. A girl's day was one of those things. I would be with Harry after school but he had some things to settle so I wouldn't be with him till later. I didn't mind though because I needed time to process all that is happening and to be with May. It wasn't very often that I had time with her.

I couldn't tell May about the plan though which killed me. I wanted to get it off my chest and tell someone about it but if i did it would ruin everything and Harry would be really mad at me which I didn't want.

Her and I both picked out what we wanted for our nails and were brought to two padded seats. the women quickly started working on making our nails perfect. May and I took this as an opportunity to catch up on lost time.

"So you and harry are pretty serious?", she asked and I smiled.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?", I loved talking to Harry but I hated talking about him with other people. They always seemed to question why I was with him and what his intentions were. Anyone and everyone questioned my life and love to Harry and it was old. You would think after all this time people would get over the fact that I was with an older man, but they never did.

"Just curious. You haven't been home in a while."

"I know. I don't really want to go home though", I said with anxious sigh. I didn't hate being home but I would just much rather be with Harry than be in a constant state of awkward and loneliness at home.

"Well I miss you but I understand. If I had a place to go I would never be home either", she said with a sigh.

"So who is your date to prom?", I asked changing the topic. If we talked about Harry any longer I might let something slip and that couldn't happen.

"This guy Frankie", she said with a giant smile on her face," You probably don't even know him."

"Isn't he kind of like a nerd. No offense", I asked and she slightly scolded me.

"No. He's smart not a nerd. Nobody really knows him that well so they think hes nerdy", she explained.

"Oh cute. Is he your boyfriend?"

"I guess so, yeah", she said and her cheeks turned bright pink," So is harry coming to prom with you?"

"Yeah. He paid for everything too."

"I knew he would", she rolled her eyes a little," You're so lucky."

"I guess", I always knew May was a little jealous of me and what I had with harry. She wanted to be apart of what we had. I got so many good thing all because of my life with Harry and she didn't think it was fair. She loved the security and the affection that Harry showed me. She believed their were few men out there like that and she didn't know if she would get one of them.

"Are you excited to graduate?"

"Of course", I said," I can't wait to get the hell out of here."

"Where are you going?", she asked. I wanted to tell her all the details of what harry and I had planned. She would be jealous or overly excited. She would press me for all the other details and I didn't want that.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm just ready to get out of this town."

"I understand", she said and nodded," I'm going to college in Montana."


"There is a lot of good things out in Montana for school so it makes sense", she said and smiled. Our conversation was oddly uncomfortable and different. Usually it was so easy for the two of us to talk but not so much today.

"Harry gets to come to prom with you?"


"You know I didn't want to bring this up but Mom is starting to worry about you being with Harry", she said and I was immediately confused.

My mom loved Harry when she met him for the first time. Why was it so different now that I got to love him this way? She wanted to interfere and she wanted to protect me which I understood but Harry had done a better job at that than she had in her whole life.


"She thinks hes a bad influence", she explained and i rolled my eyes. My mother was known for being indecisive.

"Well tell her that her opinion wont change the way I think about him. I want to be with him", I snapped at may and she seemed shocked. I wasn't the type to snap at someone unless I was under pressure but I had to.

In a way I was under pressure. She was questioning my relationship with Harry and asking so many questions. I was holding back the urge to tell her all my plans with Harry and it sucked. She is my sister and best friend and I can't even tell her the details of my future.

"Sorry", she said," Mom is so annoying and shes only been talking about you recently. She paid me to tell you that?"

"It's okay. I know the way she is", I relaxed a little now. She didn't really ever push me like that so I should've known it was her intention to be like that.

Our nails were finished soon after that and I paid and tipped the two women. I drove may home and that was the end of our time together. I drove right back over to Harry's despite May's please for me to at least say hi to our mother. I picked up some food and drove back to Harry's.

sorry this chapter is soo boring and that i haven't updated in a while. this is just a filler chapter and i promise the next few chapters will be a lot more entertaining.

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