Momma finds out.

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- authors note.
i keep forgetting this exists but heres an update!

we had all finished our ice cream and loaded back up in the i took passenger seat as josh drived and the boys were in the back. i felt ok-ish. i definitely wasn't ready to face jaden and her all over again. but momma is there and i can't wait to see here it's been 12 hours and my world is already falling apart without her.

-back at sway-

i take a deep breath before i open my car door i look up to see griffin standing there with a soft smile waiting for me.

"hi griffy." i mumbled as i got out of the car.

"hi bub" he smiles bigger as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started leading me into the house "it's going to be ok" he whispers as we walked through the front door.

me and griffin walk into the kitchen. seeing everything going on around me made my stomach ache. my eyes wander around the room and i see mads sitting down with jaden as amy was standing up leaning against the counter. jaden's head was down and mads had an annoyed look on her face.

i shrugged it off and yelled "mommaaa!" she turns around as i ran up to her hugging her tightly as tears once again threatened to fall down my face while she whispers to me and kissing the side of my head. "hi darling."

after a few minutes i pull away and look down. "come on show me to your new room so we can talk" she spoke to me in a soft loving tone as i just nod in response and lead the way up to my room closing the door behind us.

i sigh and sit on the sofa , amy sitting right next to me as she has a worried look on her face "tell me darling what happened everything was fine when you left what has changed?"

i thought to myself oh you know the usual just got led on by your son for two weeks just to find out he had a secret girlfriend on the side. i soon snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat before talking.

"well. i confessed to jaden a few weeks ago. you knew that part you saw how we were being with each other back at home. he never mentioned mads to me we promised no more secrets. he told me on the plane about her and that he wanted me to meet her. then he said he was going to ask her out. we landed and we were having a moment and then mads came running over. they made out for a few minutes right infront of me. it's just been a mess."

i say as i play with my hands and look down into my lap tears streaming down. i feel amy put her hand on my shoulder and she lets out a soft sigh. "i don't understand why he would that to you. he has loved you his whole life hannah. i know he has you've always been his number one girl. what he did wasn't right and i told him that when i got here. you are so strong sweetie. and i know that in the end. you and jaden will end up together and give me those cute grandbabies ive been waiting for." she lifts my chin up and gives me a wide smile which made me giggle softly

"you may get those grandkids just maybe by me." i frowned "it's okay. as long as he is happy i can push through just like before."

she kisses the top of my head "you two need to talk this out you can't let all those years go down the drain i love you" she said sweetly as she stood up "now this isnt exactly a place for a women my age so me and john got a hotel room and will be staying there for the weekend. you call me if you need anything sweetie." i nod and stand up giving her a big hug

"thank you for being the mom i never got to know." i mumbled as she hugged me tightly

"your just as much mine as my own."

she said to me as she walked out. i sighed to myself and looks in the mirror my eyes were red a puffy i looked like i hadn't slept in days. josh's oversized hoodie was still on me like a dress. "i can't live like this again." i whisper and changed into a pair of leggings and washed my face "eh better" i shrug and throw my hair up in a high pony tail.

i brace myself as i open my bedroom door i can hear the guys downstairs making me smile a little i need to remember that i'm with my boys my family and they won't let me go through this alone.

i finally open the door and walk downstairs i pass mads as i walk into the livingroom she gives me a glare making me roll my eyes. "careful wouldn't want your eyes to stay that way sweetie." i say with a snarky attitude before running over to the boys and jump onto griffins lap as he was in the middle of a very intense round of mario kart. "hiiiiiiii" i say softly he gives me a slight glare before smiling at me "your lucky i just crossed the finish line" he laughs and wraps his arms around my waist resting the controller in my lap "you finished in 11th griff even the coumpters beat you" i state as i look at the screen a laughing fit coming from kio anthony and josh who were also playing making me smile softly

"HEY LOOK SHE SMILED" josh yelled happily making me hide my face in griffin's neck i hear jaden's voice carry from the kitchen making my heartache seconds following that he walks into the livingroom sitting a few seats down from me and griffin. he looks at me then at griffin and gives him a weird look making me raise my eyebrow me and jaden lock eyes and my heart drops to my stomach as tears well up in my eyes again.

jaden just shook his head and smiles up at mads as she came and sat on his lap. griffin held onto my tighter as momma's words replayed in my head. me and jaden will end up together.

but will we?.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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