~Chapter 3: Messy Break Up~

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Me and Jaden pulled into the driveway to see a very pissed off Lily standing on the front porch. Here we go. 🙄. Me and Jaden got out of the car and grab everything Jaden walked right past here like she wasn't even there. Oop. Of course this loudmouth had to say something to me. 

L- im coming in. 

H- Okay I care why? 

L- No I mean im coming in and im spending time with my boyfriend 

H- hmm he is busy we are hanging out sorry 

I said as I walked into the kitchen. 

L- Jaden! 

J- Yes beautiful 

I cringed at the name. 

L- Why aren't you paying attention to me 😞 

She whined. 

J- I told you I have plans im sorry love 

He said and kissed her on the forehead. I just rolled my eyes and started popping some popcorn. 

L- Can you like uh leave so me and Jaden can have some alone time?

Is she serious. 

H- Hun you came up into my house and like i said we have plans already. 

L- Well im his girlfriend and Im more important than you soooo. 

Jaden took a step away from her and shook his head. 

H- Really? 

I could feel tears sting my eyes. It's not that I care what she thinks or says im just sentivie right now i guess. 

L- Aw are you crying? 

H- Shut the fuck up honestly I cannot fucking stand you im sorry Jaden I love you but I cannot keep pretending to me nice to her anymore. Lily we use to be friends now im starting to think you just used me to get to Jaden. You got what you wanted so please just leave me the fuck alone. You can have Jaden back after tonight I just really need him right now. 

L- Why because of TREVOR? You know who he cheated on you with? 

H- N-n-no he told me it-t was one of my friends though. 

I said quietly looking down. 

L- I don't know why he told you that because I'm sure as hell not your friend. 

My heart dropped to my stomach. It was her? Trevor cheated on me with her? Wait... oh my god Jaden. SHE CHEATED ON JADEN. 

H- I don't give a fuck that he cheated on me at the moment. 

I looked at Jaden he was frozen in place his face looked like he just saw a ghost tears were streaming down his face. I have to fix this. 

L- aw why is that? 

H- Because you dumb bitch! You cheated on my best friend, my baby! Get the fuck out of our house and if you don't I swear on everything I love that I will drag you out by your hair. 

Keep your cool. Keep your cool. I want to fucking end her. Stay strong. Stay Strong. 

L- Im not leaving im going upstair with my boyfriend and explaining what happened. 

H- No. No you aren't I won't let you. You have done enough damage Lillian. So please leave before I completely lose my shit. 

I look back over at Jaden who is staring at her in deep thought. Lily walks over to Jaden and puts a hand on his arms and says

L- Jaden baby please lets go upstairs so I can explain. 

 Jaden looked at me. Tears now uncontrolably running down both of our faces. He doesn't look away from me. 

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