~Chapter Seven- Overwhelming~

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Josh held onto me tighter and laughed. I see Bryce recording us.

H- Bryce can go suck a cock .

I said on tune with the theme song. Josh and the rest of them busted out laughing.


All of a sudden the front door whips open and a very excited Jaden walks in. 

J- yo its spongebob! 

I looked at him weirdly. 

H- Well look whos all happy. 

J- I asked her. 

My smile turned to a frown. Josh squeezed my hand. Tears were uncontrollably running down my face. Jaden rushed over to me. 

J- Bubs whats wrong. 

I turn my head away from him and bury my head into Josh's chest and cry even harder. Jaden put his hand on my leg. I glance at him and he has a worried look on his face. I look away and start crying again. 

J- Hannah please talk to me. 

Jsh- Jaden not now. 

J- No i wanna know what the fuck is going on. 

Im crying so hard it's starting to get hard to breathe. 

G- It you! That what the fuck is going on! 

Griffin snapped. I quickly poked my head up. 

J- Me? What the hell did I do? 

A- You lead her on Jaden! She fucking loves you! Then you go and make out with some girl infront of her at the airport! 

B- Yeah come on use your fucking head. She fucking admitted her feelings for you last week and ever since then you've been stuck on her and babying her all the time i've seen those drafts. That's fucked up. Then you ask Mads out the second you get here? Thats a real dick move. 

I this point Jaden was on the floor tears in his eyes and was looking down. Even though I shouldn't I feel bad. He may have hurt me but ill always love him. 

H- Josh let me go for a second. 

I whispered. He nodded and let me go. I slide down next to Jaden and pulled him into my lap. He just cried on my lap and I sat there and played with his hair holding back my own tears. 

J- i-i-i-m s s s s so sorry. 

He managed to say in between sobs. I look up at Griffin and I lose it. I start uncontrollably sobbing  I feel myself starting to hyperventilate. All i could think was panic attack. I nudged Jaden and he looked up at me and shot up when he realized what was going on. He pulled me into his chest and held me while walking me back and forth rubbing one hand up and down my back and the other one stroking my hair. 

J- Shhh. Shh. Breathe in breathe out, match my breathing. Its okay its gonna be okay. Focus on nothing but my voices and breathing. 

He did this for about 5 minutes until I feel like I can talk.  I pull away and look down at the ground. 

J- Im so sorry. I thought you were joking with me when you told me Im sorry i didn't take you seriously. I never meant to hurt you like this. 

H- it's whatever it doesn't matter anymore. Have fun with Mads.  Im glad you are happy Jae. Im going up stairs and gonna unpack. 

He lets out a sigh. 

J- Okay I love you butterfly. 

H- mhm. 

I said standing up. 

H- I love you boys ill be up stairs if you need me. 

Jsh- let me know if you need help okay?

I nodded and walked up to my room. 

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