~Chapter Nine: I Don't Even Know What To Say To You~

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K- Every time he is around you. Those drafts you send Bryce I watched them too he was so happy he was mesmerized by you it wouldn't let go of you. And you my god Hannah I swear i've never seen someone smile so big and laugh so purely.  You make each other so happy.

H- Yeah but he doesn't see that. Kio all he sees is her. You don't understand im just his best friend that all I've ever been that's all i'll ever be.

End of recap

Kio pulls me into his chest and I sigh loudly.

H- Sometimes I wish that I could just unlove people.

K- You don't mean that

H- Not completely like unlove them romantically.

K- Oh-

Kio was interrupted by yelling coming from downstairs. It sounded like a guy and a girl.

*Looks at kio*

H- lets go see whats going on

*Wipes my face and puts a hoodie on and walks downstairs and sees Mads with tears streaming down her face and I look at Bryce*

H- Whats going on?

B- Mads found out something and she isn't happy I think they're gonna break up I guess Jads was short-lived.

H- Okay but what in the world did she find out for this to happen

B- Jaden he is in love with someone and its not mads.

*My heart dropped and i went into deep thought who in the world could he be inlove with? Is there another girl he didn't tell me about? I was snapped out of my deep thought by a hand moving infront of my face I snap out of my thoughts and see Quinton*

Q- You okay?

*I nod and walk to Jaden*

H- What the fuck is going on

Jaden glanced at me with his jaw clenched softly and tears falling down his face I felt my heart drop as I searched his eyes until he said softly

"Hannah don't worry okay?. Just go to the boys."

I sighed softly then felt something hit my back I turned around quickly and saw a sandal then  when I look up I see Mads

"Um ? What the hell"  i said

I hear all the boys go quiet and look at me. Mads standing there with a small smirk on her face

" What" she said cockily with one if her eyebrows raised

I scoofed softly and rolled my eyes

" Look you have absolutely no reason to not like me and trust me I have every fucking reason to not like you so let's get one thing straight here alright? My name is Hannah. This. " I put my hand on Jaden's arm "Is my best friend. Before he was ever even if your life and these guys" I point around the room at the guys " Are my best friends. I don't know exactly what's going on but you do not ever disrespect me or any of them especially in our own house understand?." I felt my face heating up and tears threatening to fall as I felt Jaden pull away from me and walk up to Mads and wrap his arms around her waist

" Hannah calm down everything is alright" Jaden said resting his chin on her shoulder with a soft smile I felt my heart drop even further if possible and tears start falling down my face I jump softy when I feel someone arms wrap around me and I realize it's Josh "Hey. How about we go get some ice cream or something?" He whispers softly as he kisses the top of my head me and Jaden never losing eye contact . I want to rip her to pieces his arms were around her waist. Not mine he was softly kissing her shoulder just like he always does to me. I feel Josh squeeze my waist softly and I snap out of it " O-h yeah sure. " I stutter softly looking up at him.

" Where are you guys going?" Jaden asked.  Griffin butted in before me or Josh could say anything " Me and the rest of the boys are taking Hannah out for ice cream" Griffin glared at Mads slightly I just stayed silent and lean my self back against Josh . " Do you mind if me and Mads tag along?" Jaden asked again this time looking at Josh . I couldn't believe him. He really. What has gotten into this kid. I spoke up "I need time with the boys it's been a while." I say glancing at Mads and roll my eyes as I see her giving me a death stare. "The invite is valid for you bro but the girl not so much" Bryce said grabbing my hand leading me and Josh to the front door " Aye put this on" Josh said handing me his hoodie "You need clothes you only have a sports bra" I nod and put the hoodie on and walk out to Bryce's car "Can I sit by Josh and Kio?" I ask softly. "Of course you can Peanut" Kio said patting the seat next to him . I smile slightly and sit down and lay my head on Kio's shoulder and lay me legs over Josh's lap. "Men suck" Anthony said in a girly voice as he buckled up I just giggled softly and nod as Bryce pulls off and starts driving.

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